Take note

School photo catch-up day
A reminder that school catch-up photographs are scheduled to be taken at the College on Friday 17 May in St Peter's Hall at the following times:
- Family photos - 8.00am-8.40am
- Student portraits - 8.00am-10.30am
Catch-up photo day is for students and/or family groups who were absent for the photo days on 9 and 10 April, and students who enrolled after these dates.
Year 6 class and portrait photos will also be taken on this day. Students are to be in full and correct formal uniform (including the blazer for students in Years 3 to 12).
To order your school photos, visit The School Photographer website and enter the St Mary's College access key: X3165PREM51M
If you have any queries concerning school photos, please contact The School Photographer on 1300 795 850.
Southern Catholic College Careers Expo 2024
Embark on a journey of discovery with us at the Southern Catholic College Careers Expo from 3.15pm to 5.00pm on Thursday 23 May.
Connect with industry professionals, gather invaluable insights and equip yourselves with the additional knowledge to guide your child's educational and career choices.
Around 40 organisations across various sectors will be available including:
- emergency services and defence
- health and community services
- building and construction
- business and finance
- education, training and employment
- tourism
- agriculture
Together, let's empower our students to chart their course towards success.
Date: Thursday 23 May 2024
Time: 3.15pm to 5.00pm
Location: MAC 02, Hunter Street, Hobart
Keeping warm in winter
The College uniform is designed to allow students flexibility of choice in terms of what they wear in varying weather conditions. Students may wear either the full formal winter or full formal summer uniform throughout the year in line with the school uniform guidelines on the College website here.
With the cooler temperatures now upon us, students can keep warm by wearing an undershirt/thermal (which is not to be visible) under the blouse or polo top.
Students can also wear a cardigan and the jumper under the blazer.
The soft-shell jacket is a compulsory part of the Kinder–Year 2 uniform. All other year levels may wear the jacket over their sports or formal uniform if weather requires additional wind/rain protection.
School bus survey | Have your say
St Mary's College is exploring the option of a bus service for Junior School families on the Eastern Shore, and we are inviting parents and carers to provide their feedback via an online survey.
An email was sent to all Junior School families this morning containing more information on the proposed bus service.
Please find the link to the survey below.
We would appreciate if the survey could be completed by Wednesday 15 May 2024. We thank you for your assistance.
Chess tournament and fun day
Round up your friends and get your thinking caps on—the College is hosting the first all-girls' Black Square Chess tournament!
Registrations are now open for the event, which will take place on Sunday 19 May in the Year 11/12 Common Room. All ages and abilities are welcome to join in the fun and delve deep into the strategic world of chess.
Find out more and register via the link here.