College life in pictures

Pictured: Sunny skies and smiles marked the Year 12 retreat at Blue Lagoon. 

Year 12 retreat

With a focus on connection and reflection, Year 12 students fully embraced the experiences offered at their retreat and the opportunity to bond as a cohort. 

Kinder Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

Kinder mothers and grandmothers were given the royal treatment this afternoon with a delightful afternoon tea in celebration of Mother's Day. Our special guests arrived to find the Kinder classroom beautifully decorated with fresh flowers and platters of delicious cakes, biscuits and treats. 


After presenting their grownups with handmade crowns and long-stemmed roses, the Kinders serenaded our guests with a musical performance before everyone tucked into the delicious spread and enjoyed some playtime together. 


Thank you to all the wonderful mothers, grandmothers and carers who were able to participate in this event! 

More photos can be viewed on the College website here.