From the Principal

Damian Messer

Welcome back to Term 2 of 2024. With such diversity in our student population across Kindergarten to Year 12, the busyness of each day and what our students continue to achieve is quite extraordinary. We have already seen a very successful parent, student and teacher conference day held for the Senior School, a whole-school celebration to mark Anzac Day and its significance in our communities, and this morning, we welcomed over 500 people on site to recognise the importance of our mothers in our lives at the annual Mother’s Day breakfast. All of this combined with the Year 11-12 retreats, Year 3-12 cross country, swimming program, a state tennis final, musical rehearsals, choir performances and the beginning of Term 2 sport.


We would like to take this opportunity to welcome several new staff who have joined us to deliver the education program and support the administration team here at St Mary's. In administration we welcome our new Finance Officer, Ms Ange Stagg, in education we welcome Mr Ian Cantle who joins the Maths department and Mr Andrew Pinelli who joins the Maths and Science department, as well as taking up the role of Rowing coordinator. Mrs Sally Lewry is covering long service leave for several of our staff during the term, while in the Learning Support Centre we welcome Ms Nicola Rogers as a new Learning Support Officer. I hope you will join me in welcoming these new staff to the St Mary’s College community. 


Personally, I will be taking some long service leave in Weeks 3 and 4. While I am away, Mrs Wilson-Haffenden will be the Acting Principal and Mr Clarke will be the Acting Deputy Principal. I thank both of them and all of the staff for keeping the College active in my absence.

Connect parent access

Our Learning Management System, Connect continues to be implemented across our school and next Monday 13 May sees the launch of our parent access module. In preparation for this, you will receive an invitation from Catholic Education Tasmania with instructions on how to access the system. The College will also distribute an information booklet that will help you to navigate the new platform. We hope this new access opportunity will allow you to stay updated with your child's education.