Bible Lands Study Tour

Fr. Michael Trainor

Dear Kildare Ministries Community,


Some of you might know that for the past 25 years I’ve been accompanying students and pilgrims to lands associated with the Bible. Attached to this email  is the itinerary for a bible study program, a land only tour with travel in Greece and Turkey, gathering in Athens on 31st December 2024 and finishing in Istanbul on January 16th 2025.



The tour focuses on the letters and sites associated with St Paul and the Book of Revelation. It will follow Paul’s story, travelling to ancient sites throughout Greece with which he was familiar and which help us appreciate the role he played in establishing those early Jesus households and the spread of the Jesus movement into the Greek world. The journey continues tracking Paul into Turkey, looking at the final book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation, and visiting the seven churches in Asia Minor that the book addresses. 

The tour will be an informative, exciting and spiritually invigorating encounter with early Christianity.


Please respond to if you would like to express interest and a booking form will be sent to you. It would be helpful to receive expressions of interest as soon as possible and please note the Payment Schedule dates on page 3 of the Itinerary, and the Group Booking Conditions on page 4.


Feel free to pass the attached brochure on to those whom you think might be interested in joining this program.


Michael Trainor



For more information, please click on this link.