Formation events

Induction New Leaders and New Staff
Towards the end of February we run an induction seminar for new staff and new leaders in our schools. As you can see from the photos, the day was attended by 22 staff from Killester College, Clonard College, St Joseph’s College, Star of the Sea College, Kildare College.
The vibe and energy was uplifting as graduate teachers were so grateful to be making connections and finding themselves part of a bigger Kildare Ministries picture. Lead teachers and new-to-the-school teachers enjoy putting the pieces together of the cultures they are experiencing in their new roles.
New and beginning teachers felt encouraged and supported by the more experienced leaders and the material covered drew on the traditions of our founders as well as the development of the Kildare Ministries narrative. Everyone went home with some homework to complete before session 2 in term four.
Induction of Board Directors and Stewardship Council Members
On Saturday 4th May – the force was definitely with us! Newly appointed Board Directors and Stewardship Councillors gathered for induction into the Kildare Ministries narrative, a brief introduction into the Brigidine and Presentation charisms and a foray into the Canonical responsibilities of the Trustees, including their relationship with the Boards. The Trustees Missional Governance Statement and the Living Justice Living Peace Charter were the cornerstones of the discussion about the various levels of governance.
Conversation was collegial and energetic and our participants were very engaged in the matter of civil and canonical incorporation as well as sharing some good food and personal stories.
Board Directors of the Kildare Education Ministries Board and Star of the Sea Board as well as Stewardship Council members from Kilbreda and Marian College, Ararat were in attendance.
CRMV Formation Network
Renee Oberin was invited to present to the CRMV formation network on Friday 10th May. The focus of her presentation was that the KM formation programme draws its inspiration for our Living Justice Living Peace Charter and from the recent release of Missional Governance Document. Other PJPs made presentations about their own formation principles and foundational documents. It is developing into a strong collegial network for mission formators across our MPJP schools in Victoria.