Hope at Kildare College

Hope can be described in many ways; a feeling of expectation, a desire for a something to happen, and to bring a sense of purpose. Through experiencing new beginnings, delving into opportunities and creating new connections, Hope is a lived Core Value at Kildare, underpinning all that we do.
Our Opening College Mass 'Hopeful Hearts' reminded us that Hope is what guides our aspirations, dreams and goals and how in the Catholic Church, faith adds another dimension to hope, as the two virtues are interrelated. We welcomed Kathy McEvoy, Co-Chair of the Trustees of Kildare Ministries, Jo Coonan, Chair of the Stewardship Council and Maria D’Aloia, Deputy Chair of the Stewardship Council who joined us for this special celebration. Year 7 families joined us and our Year 7 students, received a gift, welcoming them to our College Community. Our Class of 2024 received their ‘Senior’ badges, marking the beginning of their final year of school.
Our Groups and Clubs Expo, early in the term, showcased the wide variety of extracurricular activities at Kildare, providing opportunities to make connections beyond students' core groups. Once again, Kildare was proud to support the local International Women's Day event at the City of Tea Tree Gully Library and at the College, wearing purple ribbons, displaying affirmations, and raising money in support of Catherine House in hope of a better future.
At Kildare each student is known, valued and cared for which is vital to their wellbeing. The 2023 Year 10 PISA results show that 90% of Kildare's students feel a great sense of belonging, compared to the average of 55% across the rest of the world. To develop a deeper understanding of the needs of our 2024 students, they completed a questionnaire which provided direction for future planning and workshops focussed on pastoral care.
As a Hub for our three-day national conference, ‘Celebrating 10 Years of Kildare Ministries’, we were so excited to welcome Kildare Ministries' staff to our College, to explore our unity, engage in professional dialogue and develop further our shared purpose. Together, we have had the blessing of time to look back in wonder at what has been achieved and look forward to a future we can only anticipate with hope, courage and purpose, though “Deeds not words”.
Term 1 concluded on a high note, metaphorically speaking, as our Senior Students performed at a local venue and entertained us with classic hits. We are so proud our talented group of musicians and the night was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
At Kildare, Hope is an active pursuit of meaningful goals, reflected in the person of Jesus and a belief that anything is possible. With hope in our hearts, so many possibilities and opportunities await us all.