Holy Cross Happenings 

Year 5 Salesian Excursion

On Thursday the 16th of May we went to Salesian for an excursion. We went to have a look at the school for the children who are going there in 2026 to see what it’s like. Those who aren’t going to Salesian came along to see what a high school was like. 


One of our favourite things was when we did agriculture because we got to pat and feed the cows. Their names were Lulu and Bella. They were both really gentle and calm. After we patted the cows we got to hold the baby chicks, they were so cute. We especially liked the black ones. If we were allowed to take them home I think the students would have taken them all. The other awesome thing was our Year Ten student helper Elaina. She was really welcoming to us. Another highlight of the day was when everyone joined in for a game of infinity tag. 


In Science class Mr Fitz taught us that dry ice doesn't melt. We learnt this through participating in an experiment. We put normal ice in a cup and put dry ice in a cup too. We put both of them in the microwave. The normal ice melted but the dry ice did not. It was really cool. He also showed us what a fire tornado looked like. It was awesome. He asked for some student helpers which was a lovely way for all of us to feel included. I think everyone enjoyed Mr Fitz’s class!


Overall it was a great day. 


By Ava T, Muna, Fletcher and Nate in Year 5.



Kinder Visits

On Monday the 6th and Tuesday the 14th of May the Wellbeing leaders and School Captains were given the amazing opportunity to go and visit kinders in our local community. We got to play with the children and ask them questions. We also talked about our experiences at Primary School and described what it is like. We reassured the kinder kids that primary school was fun, exciting, enjoyable and most importantly safe. Overall we had a blast and enjoyed it. We are also very thankful that we got to visit them and they set up all of this for us. Thank you Kellie, Aoife and Zoe for driving us.


By the Wellbeing Leaders

Interschool Football

The Girl's Team:

On Tuesday the 7th of May the Year 5&6 girl's football team traveled down to Dixon field for the Macedon Ranges district football competition. The 6 schools were divided into 2 pools that would see the winner of each pool battle it out in a grand final deciding who would make it to the next level. The schools in our pool were Gisborne PS and St Brigid's.


Game 1: Holy Cross v Gisborne Primary     HC: 3   Gis: 25 

In game 1 the Holy Cross girls versed Gisborne Primary. It was a hard game but everyone tried their best. Well done to all the girls for their amazing effort. All the girls shared the footy around and showed great sportsmanship throughout the game.


Game 2 : Holy Cross v St Brigid’s  HC:13   St. B:7 

In game 2 we versed St Brigid’s. Unlike the first game our second game was quite close. This win gave us a lot of confidence and it was great to see all the high fives and encouraging words towards each other and the other team. 


Game 3: Holy Cross v Gisborne PS   HC:7   Gis:22 

After our win in the second game we went into our third game with a different attitude and although we lost this game it was much closer than the first time we played them.


Game 4: Holy Cross v St Brigid's    HC:20   St.B:16 

Going into this game we knew it would be our last time playing together so we made the most of it. Although it was another close game our tackles were superb and we ended up winning again!


We then made our way over to Sankey Reserve to watch the final between Gisborne PS and New Gisborne PS before walking over to meet the boys a Gardener Reserve. 


Overall the girls had an amazing day playing football with smiles and trying our hardest. All the teams we played were very challenging but it was amazing to see all the girls have a go. A big thankyou to Mr Wenczel for coaching the girls and all the parents helpers who assisted on the day.



The Boy's Team:


On Tuesday the boys football team participated in the interschool football against Braemar, New Gisborne PS and Gisborne PS.  


We all tried our hardest but unfortunately we weren't successful in winning a game. 


Special shout to Oliver Spiteri for doing some amazing tackles, and we saw some beautiful ruck work by Fletcher and Zjef.


The first game against Braemar: we tried our best but lost 34-0. The next game against Gisborne we lost 44-6.

The last game against New Gisborne we also unfortunately lost 8-7. 


We all trained very well with everyone contributing and touching the ball on gameday.


Special thanks to Max Allen, Oliver Spiteri, and  Jacob Telfer for filling in on the day and for Caleb Ogle being the assistant coach and Pat for coaching us. 


By the House Captains.


Coach Pat with his assistant Caleb Ogle watch on at the District football.

Mother's Day Jokes

Why did the mother’s day gift arrive the day after mother’s day? It was chocoLATE


Not to be cheesy but you’re a GRATE mum!


Why was the computer so smart? Because it listens to its motherboard


Mother's Day Riddle

A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place. What am I? 


Answer: RAIN