Science News
Jessica Deans
Science News
Jessica Deans
Another amazing fortnight in Science. The Years Foundation, 1, 4 and 6 are just finishing their cooking units, having made mountains of food. The Foundation students made jelly and salad wraps. The Year 1 students made scones and brownies. The Year 4 students made Milo and pancakes and the Year 6 students made vegetable soup and scones. We have decided for next year we will be doing the scones with the upper year levels and the Year 1 students will have a new recipe to try, but student, teacher and parent feedback we have had from our Cooking Chemistry lessons have been exceptionally positive. Next fortnight it will be the Year 2’s turn to finish off our cooking program for now. I was very impressed with the Year 4s ability to think scientifically when completing our Milo experiments and the Year 6s skills with food preparation which were a lot more in depth than the other year levels. The Foundation students made their own food too, using tongs to choose their salad toppings. Amazing effort!
In other news, Year 5 has started their bubble unit, exploring the mass of gases through bubbles. They began with trying to create a bubble cube, a lot easier said than done! Lots of messy excitement, which is what we like to see with our science learning!
Year 2 have been focussed on learning about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover/Rot for the past two weeks, looking at exactly what these terms mean and how they can help, especially in terms of Wishcycling (where people wish what they were putting in the bin was recyclable, but it’s really not!). We have some excellent posters the students have made up for Education Open Night next Monday.
Year 3 has been looking at different materials in different occupations, looking at the types of things you would need to do the job of your dreams, and the uniform (or just clothes) that would require. Lots of really great discussions and diagrams.
Looking forward to another exciting week in the Lab!