At St Mary MacKillop College, we are committed to fostering an environment where respect, empathy, and understanding are paramount values. In light of recent events that have been in the media along with ongoing societal challenges, we must address issues such as family violence and respectful relationships with our students in a proactive, safe and supportive manner. 


Support Resources:

Family violence is a pressing concern in our society, and it's crucial that those in need of support have access to resources. We've compiled a list of support agencies below for individuals who may require assistance:

  • 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
  •  Safe Steps’ 24/7 Family Violence Response Line on 1800 015 188.

Educational Initiatives:

We believe that education plays a pivotal role in shaping attitudes and behaviors. Through various avenues such as our Year 7 & 8 Wellbeing classes, Pastoral Care sessions, and Reflection Days, we endeavor to instill in our students the principles of respectful relationships and empathy towards others. Our daily interactions also emphasise the importance of our school values and College expectations.


Challenging Harmful Ideologies:

Regrettably, we have observed certain behaviors among a minority of our male students that appear to be influenced by harmful ideologies propagated by individuals like Andrew Tate. Tate, a self-proclaimed misogynist 'manfluencer,' promotes a culture of domination and violence among boys in Australian schools. At a time when domestic violence is a pressing issue in Australia, it is incumbent upon us to work together to counteract such attitudes and beliefs.


Parental Involvement:

As parents, your involvement and guidance are essential. We urge you to stay informed about your children's online activities, including recent articles about Andrew Tate and his views. Engage in open discussions with your children about respectful relationships, emphasising the importance of empathy, kindness, and respect towards all individuals, regardless of gender. Additionally, be role models for your children by demonstrating healthy emotional expression and respect for women and girls.


Additional Resources:

Dr. Justin Colson has also provided valuable insights on this topic through his podcast, where he discusses the effects of Andrew Tate's message on young boys and provides guidance on how to have meaningful conversations with them about respectful relationships.


SchoolTV has valuable information and a video about Social Media Influencers, which can be accessed through our school website. 


We thank you for your continued partnership in nurturing a culture of respect and understanding within our school community.