Next week we celebrate National Reconciliation Week.


The theme of National Reconciliation Week in 2024 is ‘Now More Than Ever’. This week is a time for all Australians to work towards reconciliation through truth-telling, and understanding the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  At school, our students will participate in a Welcome to Country on Monday morning and most classes will participate in a cultural activity during one of their classes during the week.


Ash Mitchell
Ash Mitchell

This week, Year 10 students Ash Mitchell and Tyler Gadsby, together with Elia Ware, Indigenous Education Support Officer, attended the Indigenous Youth Leadership Program cultural immersion tour. They have joined other Indigenous students from across the northern and western regions of Victoria and travelled through Ballarat, Warrnambool, Lorne, and Bundoora, experiencing traditional indigenous land at Budj Bim and Framlingham. The students have met many interesting people who have taught them about their culture.


The tour culminates in Melbourne where they will spend time at the Dreamtime Expo and a Leadership session at the Richmond Football Club before they join the Walk to the MCG and celebrate the beginning of National Reconciliation Week at the AFL Dreamtime game between Richmond and Essendon.


I look forward to hearing about their journey and experiences next week.


Swan Hill Rural City Council (SHRCC) has reached out seeking support from the community to stop the rise of graffiti in the town.  Places where offensive graffiti has been noticed in public locations include public amenities such as the McCallum Street toilets, play equipment at Riverside Park, and skate park.


We expect all members of our College Community to have the right to be treated justly and this includes having the right to a safe, clean and attractive environment.  We teach this in school, and would hope that our students live up to this expectation outside of school.  There is no indication that the graffiti has been created by our students.  I would however, encourage anyone who witnesses, or knows something about any instances of graffiti, vandalism, or illegal activities they report this to the Police via the Police Assistance Line, by visiting the police station, or via Crime Stoppers (where you can remain anonymous).


SHRCC staff appreciate the support of our community in keeping our town inviting and safe for everyone.


The Australian Government provides a School Student Broadband Initiative through the NBN. This free initiative has been extended until December 2025.  If you have already registered your access will automatically be rolled over.  If you haven’t registered, check your eligibility via the QR code, or call the number provided.