P&C News
It's DISCO Dance party time! Have you secured your ticket yet?
Friday 14 June
4:30 - 5:45pm (Prep to Yr 2)
6:15 - 7:30pm (Yr 3 to Yr 6)
Dress Code: Fluro! (No glow sticks or button battery operated devices will be permitted)
Very Important:
Tickets will be on sale until Monday 10 June - Due to catering, no tickets can be purchased after this date. Before purchasing, please ensure your child's class is correct in Qkr! so their wristband is sent to the right place.
The P&C are hosting a Bake Stall on behalf of Year 6 to help raise funds to support the Year 6 Graduation!
The bake stall will be open on Junior Sports Day
Wednesday 10 July
9:00am – 11:30am
Items can be purchased with cash or EFTPOS and will be priced between 50c and $2.00. The school requests that students do not bring any more than $5.00 cash to school.
We are currently seeking volunteers to help set up, sell treats and pack up. Please head over to Qkr to sign up. If you haven’t already completed the annual mandatory training, please visit the school office to complete the quick training.
We look forward to selling some yummy treats for our Year 6’s!
Join the P&C
It’s never too late to join the Tallebudgera SS P&C either as a member, or to just pop into our next meeting to see what it’s all about. We understand smaller siblings might need to come along too, and this is fine! Please bring along a quiet activity for them and they can join us in our beautiful library space. Our meetings never take too long as we are an organised bunch.
We welcome everyone along to our meetings and there is no obligation. If you would like to join our wonderful P&C you can collect a form at the meeting, the office or email tallebudgerapandc@gmail.com.
All memberships from 2023 have now lapsed, so if you wish to be kept in the loop, please submit the 2024 form.
What's Coming Up?
● Disco - Friday 14 June
● Year 6 Bake Sale - Wednesday 10 July
● Run 4 Fun Colour Explosion - Tuesday 10 September
The P&C Executive Team