Primary School

Another productive week has been had in the Primary School which concluded last week with rehearsals for Reconciliation Week. Tomorrow students from Pre-Primary to Year Six will join forces with the Senior Vocal Ensemble to film a version of the song ‘Black fella, white fella’. The lyrics send the message of emphasising the importance of embracing diversity and celebrating the common humanity that binds us together. The song speaks against racial discrimination and promotes equality, regardless of one’s skin colour or background. This message about reconciliation has been woven into classrooms over the weeks as we fully embrace this year’s message of ‘Now more than ever’.  


Last week we bid farewell to Ms Leah Field as she prepares to welcome her baby in the coming weeks. We wish her all the best and look forward to hearing the news of the safe arrival.  



Culture, Engagement and Excellence 

Year Four Camp 

The Year Four students left yesterday on their two-night, three-day adventure to Camp Quaranup. Miss Carys Nichols and Mrs Hayley Ranger had the pleasure of visiting them today. Camps are such an important part of moving through the Primary School and create lasting memories. 


More details to come of all the adventures next week.  



Curriculum Update – Spotlight on Djinda 

Djinda is our school programme tailored for three-year-olds serving as a vital foundation for a student’s holistic development, fostering cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth during their formative years. Such programmes provide a structured environment where children can explore, learn, and interact with peers and educators, laying the groundwork for their future educational journey. Our Djinda students get an opportunity to establish strong relationships with their peers and teachers allowing them to transition into Kindergarten, already feeling safe and secure within their environment.  


Our Djinda programme has proven to be very popular this year as the value of three-year-old programmes becomes more apparent. Due to its popularity, Djinda now runs on a Monday and a Friday, and it has been wonderful welcoming so many new families to our Great Southern Grammar community.  


Practices and learning experiences, within Djinda, are based around the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. One key aspect is the emphasis on play-based learning, recognising that play is central to young children's exploration and understanding of the world around them. The programme prides itself on creating rich and meaningful play experiences that stimulate children's curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills. 

We look forward to watching this programme continue to grow and are excited to be able to create such a positive start to the learning journey of these students.  


P&F event for current Djinda families: Friday 21 June 3.00pm to 4.00pm 

The P&F would like to invite all current Djinda families to an afternoon sausage sizzle in the Early Childhood Centre foyer for parents and children. Siblings of Djinda students are also invited. An invitation will be sent, and RSVP collected.  


Briefing News 

Values Award 

Year Three – Rose Bane 

Year Four K – Ava Rowe 

Year Four L – Taylah Gent 

Year Five – Jessica Lee 

Year Six G – Ruth Toomey 

Year Six N – Verity Hamblin 


ECC Briefing  

Students are very busy in the ECC. Each class has their inquiry projects well underway. Year One is close to building their playgrounds after conducting their recent research on various parks around Albany. Our Kindergarten and Djinda students have been enjoying visits from Years Five and Six students during recess and lunch. 


Star Awards 

Kindergarten – Harry Downham 

Pre-Primary – Beau Hartley 

Year One – Freya Hueppauff 

Year Two – Hunter Finaughty 


Integrity Awards 

Kindergarten – Evie Burrows 

Pre-Primary – River Melia 

Year One – Wesley Jenkins  

Year Two – Louie Sutton 


Upcoming Events 

Week Eight 

Monday 3 June – WA Day Public Holiday 

Friday 7 June – Year Four L Assembly  

Friday 7 June to Sunday 9 June – Primary School AFL Tour to Perth, selected Years Five and Six students 


Week Nine 

Tuesday 11 June – Kindergarten Spare Parts Puppet Play, 9.10am in the Hall 

Thursday 13 June – Years Five and Six Eagles Cup Final Centennial Park 1.15pm to 2.30pm 

Friday 14 June – Primary School House Quiz  


Have a lovely long weekend, 

Mrs Hayley Ranger and Miss Carys Nichols | Acting Heads of Primary