Students of the Week

Term 2 - Week 6
Diana C-R - Congratulations Diana! You have shown great growth in your reading, writing and maths work this term! You are always contributing to class discussions by sharing your ideas which I love to hear. You have shown bravery by facing your fears. I am so proud of you. Keep up the wonderful work Diana!
Parker S - Congratulations Parker, your infectious smile lights up our classroom each day! Your kindness and thoughtful compliments make everyone’s day a little brighter. I am so proud of your dedication to improving your reading and writing and the progress you have made. Keep up the fantastic work!
Artie S - For being so cheerful and always trying your best, especially in our literacy lessons. You bring so much joy to our class and love to make your classmates smile and giggle! Foundation Z is so lucky to have you in their class!
Charlie B - Congratulations Charlie for displaying all the school values on our recent excursion. You enthusiastically participated in all activities, and you loved sharing your ideas with your peers. Well done, champ!
Laylah B - Laylah, you consistently look for new and interesting ways to make people smile and enjoy our days at school. Your positive attitude is infectious and sets a great example for the whole class. Well done!
Alex W - This award goes to Alex for his great effort and hard work in reaching his learning goals. Alex has shown amazing growth by always trying his best and not giving up. He is getting better at managing his time and producing a lot of good work. Well done, Alexand keep up the great work!
Remy C - The extra effort and focus you are putting into your written work, especially your handwriting, has not gone unnoticed. We are so proud of the attention to detail and extra care you are showing. Congratulations, superstar!
Jett V - Well done Jett for always having a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards school life. You are a wonderful and helpful friend to everyone in the class. Keep up the amazing work Jett!
Lucas G - For your effort and determination during Maths. You pushed yourself hard and were able to successfully have a go at the challenge questions while learning grid method. Well done, Lucas!
Thomas McG - Thomas, what a wonderful week you've had! You have approached your learning with enthusiasm and determination and shared your knowledge with others. It has been great to see you showing so much positivity to your learning. Keep it up, superstar!
Eliza K - For always working hard to achieve your goals! Well done on experimenting with great vocabulary in your writing, and for working hard to learn your times tables. Keep up the fantastic work, you are inspiring!
Henryk J - Well done on the effort you have put in to stay focused and get your work done this week. Henryk, it has been wonderful to see you participating in class and getting involved in our lessons!
Grace O'R - Grace, you should be so proud of your outstanding commitment to your learning this term, especially your reading- keep striving for success!
Annabelle N - Annabelle, you are a shining example of how challenges can be transformed into growth opportunities. You consistently demonstrate kindness, integrity, and a positive attitude. You set a high standard for your peers through your respectful behaviour and willingness to help others. Whether in the classroom or on the sports field, you lead by example, showing what it truly means to be a school leader. Keep up the exceptional work!
Grace S - Grace, I have been very impressed with how you are going about your learning in class each week. You should be extremely proud. Well done, champ!
Evelyn O - In 5/6S we value you as you, ever reliable. We value you as you, ever honest. We value you as you, ever loyal. We value you as you, Everlyn Owen! We love your honesty, your determination and your loyalty to friends!
Isla G - I can see the hard work and effort you put in to reach your goals. This has been very obvious with your cross country training recently. These are great traits to have Isla, well done on all your hard work this year so far!
Mia D - Congratulations on the independence, diligence, and maturity you have displayed during Lit. Circles tasks, Mia. Your contributions to our weekly meetings are highly valued, always insightful and thought-provoking. Additionally, I admire your recent courage in taking on a debating role that challenged your personal views, approaching the task with an open mind. You crafted intelligent, well-thought-out arguments and rebuttals. It is so wonderful to see you enjoying your learning, participating so well and adding such value to our class. So proud of you!