
The Year 5 and 6 students have been working on one of the text types – letter/message writing. They have learned how Japanese people start and end their letters and message cards, such as beginning with "Dear/To" and concluding with "From." They compared the language and conventions and applied their knowledge by writing a message for their mums or special people. Many students wrote their messages beautifully and expressed their love and gratitude. If your child was at school during the previous two weeks, you should have received a lovely Japanese Washi (traditional Japanese paper) coaster too. I hope you like them, as the students put a lot of thought into making them.
Harry used this knowledge to write a thank you card to Wadaiko Rindo for coming to teach them Taiko (Japanese Drum)! Well done Harry! I know this message will make them so happy!
Junko Nichols
Teacher of Japanese Literacy, Language and Culture