
All students have now finished working on their various felting projects. These all look amazing and there are so many beautiful designs. Preps have all learned how to finger knit and have begun work on their stitched bags. The next project for class one is the stitched recorder bag. Class 2/3 students have made a start on their sunray cushions. Classes 4 to 6 will begin their knitting projects at the end of term two.
All 3/4 students were so excited to go to TarraWarra Museum of Art to view the current exhibition of art and furniture design. Students engaged in art discussions and created artworks based on the works viewed. We also stopped at the Chocolaterie for a treat.
Erica (our classroom music teacher) and I are planning an Art/Craft and Music Expo to showcase students' class work this semester. The date for the Expo is Thursday 27 June. If you are able to help with mounting and labelling student artworks, please let me know via email. There will be more information coming via your class carer.
To support student learning, parents are invited to help out in the art room. You will need a current working with children check. Please sign in at the office before you come to the art room.
Antoinette Vaiano