Year 5/6 Mainstream 

Celebrating Learning

Unit Focus: Update

As a part of unit focus this term, students have been looking at Our Place in Space. A trip to Scienceworks helped us tune into our Solar System. We have been using our prior knowledge and some focused inquiry to formulate our own research questions and areas of interest which we will further explore in our final project. 

We will be holding a science fair to display our projects on Wednesday the 26th of June, the last week of term 2. 


We have been researching the Aura satellite. It is used to study the Earth’s ozone layer, air quality and climate. It was launched by NASA on the 15th of July 2004. 

Noah & Luka

In Space, food in jars has bubbles in the middle instead of on top because of gravity. 

Elodie & Wanda

Liquid in zero gravity forms into a ball. 

In 2016 a fleck of paint travelling at high speeds put a large crack in a window of the International Space Station 

Otto Kilmartin

The Aurora Australis is caused when the sun releases a huge blast of solar wind and magnetic fields into space. The result is lights in the southern sky. 

Luna & June