Year 5/6 Steiner

Celebrating Learning

On Friday May 31st, the year two to six Steiner classes went to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra to see ‘The Peasant Prince’ at Hamer Hall. At 11:00am, we walked to the train station and caught the train into the city, where it was a short walk to Hamer Hall. Since there were no eating places around Hamer Hall, we went across the road to Alexandra Gardens where we ate our recess. After we had eaten our recess, we took a short walk through a tunnel to get back to Hamer Hall where we waited in line to get in.

The performance was about a small boy who was very poor, but he grew up to become one of the best ballet dancers in the world. The music was incredible, and we got to meet the composer. She was really nice. She explained to us how she made the music tell the story. 

Then we went back over to Alexandra Gardens and ate our lunch then we went to the train station and caught the 2:09pm train back to Thornbury Station.


It was incredible to experience the sound of a professional orchestra in person.


By Luca and Felix