Year 4 Steiner 

Celebrating Learning

Excursions Galore


The class four students have been busy finishing their Main Lesson “the Whole and its Parts”, working on writing pieces for assessment, aiming for their best possible work, and going on excursions. 


This busy time of year has been a whirlwind of excitement and change to schedule, and they are sure feeling it, but making incredible progress in writing and other areas of their learning.

The photos are of our recent excursions to the Tarrawarra Art Museum and Yarra Valley Chocolate Factory, as well as our excursion to Hamer Hall to watch the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra perform as a part of our studies in Orchestra. Also below are the students' thoughts on our excursions.

Ila says, “I liked the Art Museum because of the different types of artwork and the chocolate shop was an added bonus.”


Lincoln says, “I really liked the chocolate shop and the furniture at the Art Museum.”


Matilda says,, “I really liked the chocolate shop.”


Mirra says, “Honestly, I liked the chocolate shop the most. It was so nice; the flavours were so creamy. The Valhalla installation was so cool, it looked nothing like its outside and the elevators inside it were so cool.”


Arkie and Hazel W say, “The chocolate shop was really awesome and great!”