12th - 18th May

National Boarding Week (NBW) is an annual reminder of the unique experiences and opportunities provided by boarding schools and is a time to celebrate the efforts and achievements of boarding students and staff. 


Throughout the week, boarding schools across the nation organise a variety of events and activities to engage students and mark the annual event. 


The week acknowledges and highlights the additional challenges boarding students face, living away from home, in dorms with people from diverse backgrounds, fitting into routines and meeting expectations that are different from home.


It is also a time to celebrate the benefits of boarding; being exposed to a holistic education that extends beyond academics, allowing students to fully immerse themselves in extracurricular activities, fostering personal growth and independence, and learning valuable skills such as time management, self-reliance, and resilience. Additionally, boarding provides access to supported tutoring and an amazing community where students form lifelong friendships.


To celebrate NBW this year, students at Harvey Ag are designing banners reflecting the unique personalities within their dorm and featuring the things they love most about boarding.


On Wednesday night, students will participate in a fun Dorm vs Dorm challenge with the winning team to be rewarded with a pizza night later in the term. Logue Dorm are the reigning champions, but the other dorms are fiercely competitive and are looking to take the title away from them this year. 


As the week progresses, we invite you to talk with our boarders about their experiences and remind them the whole school community is proud of the way they navigate the challenges and contribute to their ‘living away from home’ experience. We are so lucky at Harvey Ag to have such amazing boarding students and community.