Principal's Message

Working Bee
Our recent working bee at the school was very successful and it was a wonderful day filled with community spirit and dedication, as volunteers came together to improve our school grounds.
Thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of our volunteers, we achieved the following:
Playground Area Enhancement: Volunteers worked tirelessly to spread 10 cubic metres of new mulch around the playground, making it safer and more enjoyable for the children. The new mulch not only adds to the appeal of playing on the equipment but also provides a softer landing for the kids as they play.
Sandpit Area: We refilled sandpit with 3 cubic metres of sand, providing our students with even more reasons to spend their break times being creative. Additionally, the boat received a splash of colour, thanks to Sharon's imaginative flair, making it an even more popular play item among the children.
Carpark Maintenance: The car park received some much-needed attention as volunteers filled in potholes and improved drainage around some of the more boggy areas. The 5 cubic metres of rock will make parking and access much smoother and safer for everyone.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the following families who contributed their time and energy.
Carter's Family, Owen & Liam's Family, Darcy's Family, Isaac & Cassidy's Family, Peter's Family & William's Family
Their support was invaluable, and we are grateful for their commitment to enhancing our school's environment.
Pencil Values
One other addition to the school over the weekend was the inclusion of our values proudly written onto our pencils! This project has been in the works ever since the pencils were installed, and we couldn't be happier to see it completed. A huge thank you to Ian Steward for helping us achieve this goal. Our green pencil still needs a wash and clean before we can paint "Responsibility" on it, but we're almost there!
Essendon Bombers Visit
It was an exciting day for our students as our school had the privilege of hosting the Essendon Bombers for a special visit. Students had the opportunity to participate in training drills with the AFL stars and even took a group photo with them.
Students showed their enthusiasm by wearing their Bombers gear. The training drills were a great way for our students to engage in physical activity and learn some new skills from professional athletes. This visit was a valuable experience for our school community, and we believe it has inspired many of our students.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Essendon Bombers for taking the time to visit us. We hope they'll come back again in the future.
Research Study on Science Teaching Practices in F-2
Bolinda Primary School will be a pilot school for an upcoming research study conducted by Latrobe University. The study, titled "Understanding F-2 Science Teaching Practices in a Regional Victorian School," aims to explore the opportunities and challenges that teachers in regional primary schools face when teaching science to students in the Foundation to Year 2 (F-2) years.
We were identified as leaders in the teaching of science in our regional area. The goal of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of how our teachers effectively use available resources and overcome obstacles in teaching science to young students. This study will involve various methods, including in-depth interviews with teachers, classroom observations, and analysis of teaching documents. The findings will help form a comprehensive case study of science teaching practices in our regional school.
We believe that the insights gained will not only benefit our school but also contribute to improving science education in regional schools across Victoria.
Assemblies occur each fortnight on a Friday afternoon. Our calendar on Compass lists when our assemblies are, just in case you lose track of the weeks.
They will begin at 3.10pm, unless otherwise specified via a Compass notification. We will attempt to give families plenty of notice if the assembly is brought forward. We love seeing our families at the assemblies so please do come along if you can make it.
Curriculum Day
Just a reminder that Monday, June 17 is a Curriculum Day where the teachers will be spending the day focusing on Assessment & Reporting.