Where everyone is Welcome!

Calendar Dates- What's on.



20th               District Cross Country            

28th              Grade 5/6 Camp Information Night


10th               King's Birthday Public Holiday

19th-21st      Yr 5/6 Camp - Sovereign Hill

28th                End of Term 2 - 1.00pm Dismissal






Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful 

and kindle in them the fire of your love. 

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. 

And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, 

      did instruct the hearts of the faithful, 

       grant that by the same Holy Spirit 

                                   we may be truly wise and 

                                  ever enjoy His consolations, 

                                  Through Christ Our Lord, 


From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope you are all well.  


Next Sunday we recognise Pentecost Sunday, the 50th day since Easter Sunday. This day commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, and the beginning of the Christian Church’s mission to the world. The gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit are an indication of God’s presence in all of our lives, and we can draw on these as we share our love with others. 


School Assembly

All parents and carers are welcome to attend our school assemblies on Friday mornings at 9.00am in the Fr Arnold Centre. This term’s assembly roster is as follows:

Week FiveGeneral Assembly
Week SixGrades 2/3
Week SevenGeneral Assembly
Week EightStudent Leadership 
Week NineGrades P-1
Week TenStudent Leadership 
Week ElevenGeneral Assembly

Assessment and Reporting

As we approach mid-term two, we are entering the assessment and reporting period. In the next few weeks, the teachers will be assessing various samples of work from each of the students to determine the achievement they have made during Terms One and Two. 


The teachers will use the work samples and other data and make supported judgements for their report writing. Parents will be able to access the Semester One reports via the Parent Access Module (PAM). The reports will be published on Monday, 24 June. 


Cross Country

We congratulate the students who qualified for the District Cross Country that is scheduled for Monday 20 May at Ruffey Lake Park. We wish them well for their individual run in the event. Thank you to Mrs Sherriff who has helped them prepare supervising our morning running club. Thanks also to Ms Elena, Miss Melgaard and Mrs Terrance who have also helped to supervise and encourage students.   


2025 Enrolments 

Enrolments for 2025 are open. If you are aware of anyone who has a child who will be commencing in Prep in 2025, please encourage them to apply.


Warmest regards,

Michelle Worcester



Brilliant at Being Resilient

On Tuesday the students participated in "Brilliant at Being Resilient" incursion.

An engaging session on a very important topic. 









Waste Wise Wednesday


Parents, we would like to inform you that we are starting Waste Wise Wednesday.

Last week was Earth Day. The theme for this year is Planet vs Plastic. We have decided as the students of St Philip to take action to save our planet. 



On Wednesdays we will aim to be waste free and not use plastic or wrappers. We will encourage all of the students and staff to use containers, thermoses, Bento boxes and if you can beeswax wrappers or reusable wrappers.


We encourage families to be mindful of the amount of plastic wrappers/rubbish that is used each day.


Thank you for your support with Waste Wise Wednesday. 


By John, Jane, Navkirat and Zara






Cake Raffle 

The weekly cake raffle will be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled.    Please sign up for Term 2 to bake using the following link https://volunteersignup.org/ECRFE

All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.

Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.

Thank you for your support


Tuck Shop


Clara and Angi are managing the tuckshop in 2024 - please reach out to them if you’d like to join the tuck shop team.

Clara: 0449 767 020 and Angi: 0431 021 711 



Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school! 
