2024 School Calendar & important school messages

2024 Calendar

 Term 2
 Week 7
 National Reconciliation Week
30thYear 2 Port of Echuca Excursion 2RMC & 2LCD

Year 4 Camp

Enrolment Interviews


Year 4 Camp

Enrolment Interviews

31stCampaspe Netball
31stYear 2 Port of Echuca Excursion 2CTA & 2SMI
 Week 8
3rdYear 1 Port of Echuca Excursion
4thRegional Cross Country 
5thWorld Environment Day
7thInterschool Sports Begin
7thEnrolment Acceptance Letters & Phone Calls
 Week 9
10thKing's Birthday Public Holiday
14thInterschool Sports Round 2
16thYear 1 Family Mass St Mary's Church
 Week 10
21stInterschool Sport Round 3
21stFinal Acceptance of Enrolment 2025
21stSt Mary's Big Night Out
 Week 11
25thCampaspe Football
28thLast Day of Term 2 Assembly/TERRIFIC Kid 2.05 dismissal
 Term 3
 Week 1
15thTerm 3 Begins