Cyber Safety/STEM

Growing God’s love with faith, trust and love throughout 2024 in STEM!!
Earlier in the year when interviews were on, students were busy learning in their house-coloured groups as a part of St Mary’s Primary Charism Day. Students learned about the different Saints and how to look for ways in which we can grow God’s love with faith, trust and love throughout 2024.
Some students had the opportunity to plant some seeds as a reminder of this day back on February 22nd. Below are some photos taken from STEM club showing the progress of our large sunflower and broad bean plants. We can’t wait to see these after the cooler winter months. We would also like to thank Cheryl for all the work she does at school for sustainability as well as the work after hours for our garden.
As the weather gets cooler some children may begin to look for opportunities to replace “green time” with “screen time.” Below is a webinar that may have some strategies to help with supporting your child online!
Wellbeing and Digital Technologies Webinar
Tuesday, 4 June: 2:00 pm
An overview of strategies to protect, respond to, and support your child online. This webinar will focus on the digital skills to protect and support young people’s mental health and well-being online.
It's suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in later primary years and early secondary. If you are interested please click here!