Catholic Identity

The Feast of Corpus Christi - Body & Blood
This Sunday is the celebration of the solemnity - Feast of Corpus Christi, which is Latin for the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We are called into partnership with Christ each time we receive the bread at Mass. On Corpus Christi Sunday we remember that Christ is our nourishment. Christ provides for all of our needs as we continue His work in the world and promises to be present in the Eucharist sacramentally. We must trust that we are capable of great things in God’s name. We are reminded too, that personal commitment will lead to life, not simply for individuals but for the whole world. This new horizon of meaning requires us to acknowledge human vulnerability, sin and the possibility of transformation through the Eucharist that will ultimately lead to a new creation of love and inclusion.
Living bread of loving grace,
Dwell in us for all our days.
Living bread of loving grace,
Transform our darkness into light for this world.
Living bread of loving grace,
Invite us to live as people of compassion and inclusion always.
Fire Carrier Ceremony
Yesterday we commissioned some of our Year Five learners and staff to be Fire Carriers. Fire carriers stands for Friends, Igniting, Reconciliation through Education. Our Year Six Fire Carriers helped to lead the ceremony, acknowledging country and the Yorta- Yorta First Nations Peoples. Fr. Novie, who was commissioned last year, blessed our new Fire Carriers in prayer. Mrs Ryan also presented the Fire Carriers with a special badge. We congratulate the following learners & staff who will now lead the way in raising awareness for reconciliation and justice for our First Nations People.
Kayla Coffey
William Warren
Tyler Leydon
Cadie Colbert
Amelia Lees
Paul Caburnay
Shaylee Firebrace
Our Staff:
Ms Trinity Keath
Mr Chris Howgate