St James Learning and Teaching 

Curriculum / Classroom News


Hello Everyone, 


Congratulations to our Cross Country runners who had a great day last Tuesday to compete in the Beachside District Cross Country. Tia, Annie, Emily, Ivy and Delilah we are sure you did your absolute best! 


Friday Sport has now finished. Last week we had the pleasure of hosting St Mary’s East St Kilda. Our football team had a plethora of very eager players with 10 to rotate off the bench. I was kept well on my toes. We had a few goal scorers this week and some great running on play through the midfield to get the ball down to our scoring end. Our netballers had some challenging competition also and enjoyed playing at home after a few weeks away 


Thank-you to Maree, Aidan and Emma for your coaching and supporting roles each week. A huge thank you also to Dave Picking also for fantastic umpiring skills. I always feel our students are in safe hands when you are umpiring. 


An Operoo in regards to the Netball LP and AFL LP’s have now been sent. The Netball LP is to be held on Thursday 13th June at the Thomas Street netball courts. Play will begin at approximately 10 am and be completed by 2.30pm. The AFL LP will be held at Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park, Malvern East. 

We wish all players representing St James at these events good luck. 


Mrs Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principal - Sport Co-Ordinator/ Senior Physical Education Teacher


What is a graphic novel?

A graphic novel is defined as a form of long fiction that uses a sequence of images or illustrations to tell a story. A graphic novel can be a stand-alone story, or it can be an anthology collection of smaller issues of work. 

A graphic novel has a defined central plotline with a beginning, middle, and end. The authors include many different kinds of characters and develop these characters throughout the story. Graphic novels use images, dialogue, and narration to develop themes or ideas.


They may include the following features:

All St James children are now registered and have received a login and password from the class teacher. Children in the  junior school are encouraged to listen to their parents read books from the reading list and have conversations about the text. As the competition progresses parents are encouraged to help their children read together. 


The Victorian Government has carefully curated a long list of rich texts for young readers. Please see the booklist attached for books. 


Progress of the challenge will be celebrated in fortnightly assemblies and newsletters. 




The challenge runs all the way to September and is very attainable for all children. 


Children need to read:


Prep to Year 2

  • Number of books: 30
  • Number of books from the Challenge book list: 20 or more

Year 3 to Year 6

  • Number of books: 15
  • Number of books from the Challenge book list: 10 or more



Most of the books you read should be from the Challenge book lists. The rest can be any book you choose.


You can read books on the book list for your year level or a level above and they'll count towards your Challenge total. You should check with your teachers or parents if you're not in years 9 or 10 and want to read a book from that list. This list includes titles for mature readers.


You can read a book from a level below your year level if your teacher agrees. You still need to read the number of books for your year level to meet the Challenge.




Your teacher will give you a Challenge username and passcode. You should find this in your child’s diary or magic words book where other passwords are located. 

If you lose or forget your Challenge passcode,please  ask or email  Mrs joplin  at to generate a new one for you.

  1. Go to the Challenge application.
  2. Select the School/Student button.
  3. Select the VPRC login option.
  4. Enter your username and password.
  5. Select Login.



The dashboard is your main workspace as you progress through the Challenge.

At the top of the dashboard are gemstone badges. These are grey when you start your Challenge. They change to green as you progress through the Challenge.


Below the badges is a green bar. This shows you how many days are left until the end of the Challenge.

There are also two progress wheels that show:

  • what your Challenge target is
  • how many Challenge or Choice books you have finished or had verified.

Your reading list shows the books you have added and finished reading.

As you add more books to your reading list, the application will learn the kinds of books you like to read. It will recommend other books by:

  • genre
  • author
  • series
  • subject

Books other students at your school and across Victoria are reading appear on the Trending books list.


The side menu lets you:

  • see your Profile Details and add an avatar
  • see all the book reviews you have written
  • search for books you would like to add to your reading list.




















Let’s get reading!!


Mrs Mandi Joplin

Teacher Librarian