Prep Report

Term 1, 2024

Welcome back everyone to Term Three! The Grade Prep teachers have been busy preparing engaging activities for students and we are excited for all the learning to come this term! 



In Reading students will be learning: 

  • about the purpose and features of non-fiction books. 
  • to identify features such as the front cover, title, contents page, bold words and glossary. 
  • the purpose of reading a non-fiction book is to learn facts and information about a topic.  


In Writing, students will: 

  • continue to complete their weekend recount and write information reports 
  • be given the opportunity to create information reports and make books using facts they recall from mentor texts.  

In Speaking and Listening, students will engage in: 

  • various oral language experiences.



In Numeracy, students will: 

  • consolidate their knowledge of base ten, focusing on making numbers using a range of materials including 10s frames and bundling sticks  
  • engage in weekly challenging maths tasks which includes working with their peers and developing their problem-solving skills 
  • learn about addition using concrete materials to support their understanding of how to solve number problems.  
  • continue to learn about number bonds and developing their fluency when recalling them orally. 



In Social and Emotional Learning, students will: 

  • revise the core emotions of joy, anger, disgust, fear, sadness, and surprise 
  • learn about empathy, accepting others and respectfully resolving conflict.  
  • learn how to be a good friend and understand what a problem is and ways to solve problems.  



In Inquiry, students will engage in our unit ‘The Wonderful World of Toys’. Students will: 

  • explore new and old toys, how they are made and what they are made from   
  • make different toys in the classroom  
  • participate in incursions.  

100 Days of School 

Students will be celebrating 100 days of school on Thursday 1st August. Information about this special event can be found on the Parent portal on Sentral. 


Important Dates 

Week 3-100 Days of School-Thursday 1st August 

Week 4/5-Book Fair-Wednesday 7th to Monday 12th August 

Week 5- National Day Against Bullying- Friday 16th August  

Week 6-Book Week – Monday 19th August to Friday 

Book Week Parade – Wednesday 21st August  

Week 7-Science Week –Tuesday 27th August 

Week 8- Writer's Festival-Thursday 5th September 

Week 9-Are U OK? -Thursday12th September 

Week 10- Kaboom- Friday 20th September 


Term 3 Reminders 

  • School starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm 
  • The weather will still be cool in Term 3, so please remember to bring jackets and jumpers which are clearly labelled with your child's name 
  • Please remember to bring your Red Reading folder everyday and continue to learn to read and spell your Oxford words 
  • Please bring a water bottle clearly labelled with your child's name.  



The Prep Team 

Diana Polazzon, Chiara Mackay & Katherine Richardson