Around the School  - The Office, Library, Canteen!



Year 3/4 Camp - Stringybark Lodge

The year 3/4 camp to Stringybark Lodge is fast approaching.  It is happening from Wednesday, 7th August to Friday, 9th August.    Staff from the office are currently contacting parents to ensure they are aware of any outstanding payments, and also to ensure we have all medical information up to date for students attending.


Medical forms have been sent home with students attending camp, and these need to be returned to school as soon as possible.  If your child has medication that needs to go to camp, this should be delivered to Fay in First Aid by Monday, 5th August.  


PLEASE NOTE: Any medication going to camp with your child will be held by the staff attending the camp, and will be administered in line with the instructions provided by a doctor regarding the medication. If your child does take medication and is attending camp, you need to let Fay know as soon as possible, so that you have time to complete forms with your doctor.  Students are not permitted to take non prescribed medication with them to camp.


Year 5/6 Camp - Philip Island

The 5/6 camp to Philip Island will be in term 4, from Monday, 28th October to Wednesday, 30th October.


Payment for the finalisation of this camp have been requested by Monday, 9th September.  If you still have an outstanding payment to make for this camp, please ensure it is paid by this date.  You can contact the office to check if you owe any money for this camp.


Medical forms for the camp have been sent home with students who are registered to attend the camp.  Please remember to complete the medical forms and return them as soon as possible.


Towards the end of this term, staff from the office will be making follow up calls regarding payment.  



Do you have a payment to make to the school?  Is there an excursion your child is attending that requires a payment?  Or do you need to finalise camp payments?  Perhaps you would like to make a payment towards Curriculum Contributions.


Remember, all payments can be made at the office with cash or via credit card.  Alternatively, you can make payments via BPAY, or as a direct deposit.  If you make a payment directly into the school bank account, please remember to include information about what the payment is for, and the name of the child.




We are accepting enrolments for students into prep in 2025!  If you have a child at home who will turn 5 before April 30, 2025, they are eligible to be enrolled.  Please contact the office to collect an enrolment pack for your child.   




Have you moved to a new house?  Got a new phone number?  Changed jobs - and now have new contact details during school hours?  It is important to keep the school informed of changes to these details.  You can send an email to the school or drop by the office to let us know of updated details.