Student Learning
What is happening around the school
Student Learning
What is happening around the school
In Foundation we have been learning all about Subtraction! We can take away the smaller number, count backwards and use lots of concrete materials to solve Subtraction problems, aren't we clever!
PMP is continuing to be a class favourite on Wednesday mornings. So great to see students improving in their confidence.
Grade 2 have been busy measuring anything they can! We have learnt about informal and formal units of measurement and had fun measuring everyday objects both inside and outside of the classroom.
In Grade 2 we have been learning what it means to be part of a team and work together to solve problems. This week our challenge was to work together for a set amount of time to create a paper chain. Sounds easy! But we had to make a plan, compromise on ideas and work together.
Have you seen some of the work students have been creating in Visual arts with Mrs Shaw? They are displayed around the school, through out the main building. The Foundation students made beautiful Kookaburras, the Grade 3 students decorated their hand outlines and Grade 5 and 6 made some colourful Mandalas. The Picasso Pigs are a favourite with all the students walking past!
Our Grade 1s and 2s have been using the Olympic Games as inspiration in Performing Arts. They are using the colours of the Olympic Rings to help compose their own music on the xylophone. They are clapping the rhythms in the names of Olympic sports, and looking at the musical symbols used to write those rhythms. They are playing charades with different Olympic activities, and they are dancing to songs inspired by the Olympics.