Grade 3/4 News
Week 4, Term 3
Grade 3/4 News
Week 4, Term 3
We are hoping to have numbers finalised in the next week and would appreciate if all students who are attending would indicate consent on Compass and hand in their medical forms as soon as possible. Thankyou so much to all those who have already done so!
Please keep an eye out for any future Compass posts, as more information will be realised soon.
Grade 3/4 would like to welcome Joane and her family to SGPS! Joane has come all the way from Madagascar to join our school, and in typical SGPS fashion our kids have been amazing in their friendliness, support and enthusiasm in welcoming Joane into 34SA!
Mathematics: In our Applied Maths sessions, students will be reviewing the topics of 'Perimeter' and 'Area' in preparation for our upcoming Maths Learning Task. In Fluid Groups, we will continue to explore 'Subtraction'.
Writing & Reading: Students have been working very hard in our Narrative unit this past fortnight and finished off the week by completing a Cold Write. Next week, we will move onto Poetry and further explore how to incorporate figurative language into our writing.
Topic: This fortnight in Topic, we will be considering the reliability of different sources to teach us about history. We will then take a deep dive into looking at some of the cultures of our First Peoples of Australia.