Grade 1 and 2 News
Term 3, Week 4
Grade 1 and 2 News
Term 3, Week 4
The Olympics and Celebrating Differences
Over the last couple of weeks we have been enjoying discussing and watching our fellow Aussies competing at the Olympics. We have had excellent discussions around National Pride, the qualities athletes would need to have and how we can show those same qualities when playing games or competing in sport.
As part of our topic unit 'Celebrating Differences' we have investigated the countries France, China and Italy, learning about their culture, the foods they eat and other things iconic to that country. Pictured below are some of our grade 1/2 students enjoying learning how to play Bocce.
Reading, Writing and Spelling:
During week 5 and 6 our Reading and Writing lessons will be connected to the books listed below. Students will investigate character descriptions, the use of adjectives to achieve character description and how to use these in their own writing.
Our sounds and heart words for week 5 and 6 will include:
Mathematics: In week 5 students will explore the concepts of location and mapping. Students need to be familiar with terms such as: forwards, backwards left and right to support their understanding of location and ability to be able to give and follow directions. We use the mapping lesson to make connections with our upcoming Zoo visit and following the map at the Zoo.
In week 6 we will move onto the topics of length and capacity, where students will be comparing objects and using formal (cm, m) and informal (hands, blocks) units to measure. They will also practise estimating these measurements.
Topic: During our topic lesson on Celebrating differences, students will be investigating and experiencing Indian and Nigerian cultures.
We will also be celebrating Science Week during week 5 and 6, where students will be participating in a rotation of science themed activities on Monday 19th August.