Around The College

Blind Date with a Book
Book Week’s Blind Date with a Book initiative is back in 2024.
Please drop-off your pre-loved, student friendly, fiction texts to the library.
All proceeds raised will support a literacy focused charity.
Maths Game Day at Box Hill High School
On Thursday 27th June 2024, a group of Year 8 students attended a very exciting Maths Games Day. The aim of the day was to challenge high ability students in a collaborative and competitive mathematics-based games day.
Teams of students competed for a variety of prizes including individual prizes for creativity, contribution to group work, and lucky door prizes. Lateral thinking was a crucial component of success.
This day was an opportunity for students to;
- apply and develop their mathematical talents and thinking skills in a setting where Maths is regarded as fun and worthwhile.
- work with like-minded high ability students from a diverse range of schools.
- participate in mathematical activities and games without the usual classroom pressures.
- work effectively in teams and develop strategies to work collaboratively to solve problems.
- enhance their problem-solving skills.
- get excited about mathematics, whilst being rewarded through prizes and awards.
Mr Korlos and Ms Argus were really proud of the students that attended.
Space-X-plore Tour September 2025
Few places remaining for interested students, please direct all inquiries to Sonja Ardley.
Brentwood is looking for students who will be in years 8-11 in 2025 with a passion and interest in space to travel with like-minded students from partner schools in the Waverley network to the USA in September 2025 on the Space- X-plore program with Global Learning Expeditions. This international camp was run successfully in 2023 and is once again being offered to interested students.
Highlights of the trip include the astronaut experience at the NASA Kennedy Space Centre in Orlando, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Sonja Ardley
Associate Principal
Model United Nations German Conference
On Thursday the 18th of July, the Year 11 German students took the train to North Melbourne to attend the UNAA (United Nations Association of Australia) Model UN Conference in the Victorian Division. The Model UN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly, and it runs according to the UN protocols and procedures followed by the UN General Assembly.
We participated in the Model UN in German, and we spoke German all day. As assembly delegates, we stepped into the shoes of country ambassadors from France, India, Kiribati and Peru whilst speaking in German. The conference topic focused on Planet Ocean or SDG 14, Life under Water.
At the beginning, all students had to present their Position Statements to the other counties, in German. We later proposed amendments to the draft resolution and during the Caucus sessions, debated with other countries about minimising plastic production, funding smaller countries, and reducing illegal fishing to protect the ocean's ecosystems.
At the end, all students voted on which amendments should be added to the draft resolution, and finally we voted on whether we agree on the draft resolution as a whole General Assembly. The experience was very interesting and enjoyable and helped develop our German skills while collaborating with other like-minded students. We would like to thank the teachers and staff from UNAA for organising this inspiring opportunity for us.
Am Donnerstag, den 18. Juli, die 11. Deutsch Klasse ist mit dem Zug nach Nord Melbourne gefahen. Wir haben die UNAA (United Nations Association of Australia) besucht und wir haben in eine UN Model konference teilgenommen. Das Model UN ist eine Simulation der Generalversammlung der United Nations. Wir haben mit viele andere Schule gearbeitet und wir haben viele neue Freunde gemacht. Vielen Dank an die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen und Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen für diese Tag zu veranstalten.
From Olivia Hunter and Claire Simpon, Year 11 German class.
BrentCast Episode 7
Our latest episode is now live.
Please use the link below.
In this episode, we are joined by the 2024 Sustainability Captains, Isabella and Katie, and Green Team Co-Ordinator, Mr Kalva, as we inquire about the Green Team and their many achievements through their contributions to the school. Tune in to learn more about their initiatives and success!
Brentwood Buzz
Introducing the Brentwood Buzz, where student voices come alive through ink and paper! As the vibrant hub of our school's creativity, we're more than just a newspaper club; we're a platform for sharing experiences, stories, and perspectives that matter most to our community.
Dive into the world of journalism and explore buzzing roles as reporters, photographers, cartoonists, editors, and printers.
Join us in amplifying the voices of Brentwood and shaping the narrative together!
Ishi Singh (Editor)
Please find the link for the first edition of Brentwood Buzz:
Brentwood is looking for students who will be in years 8-11 in 2025 with a passion and interest in space to travel with like-minded students from partner schools in the Waverley network to the USA in September 2025 on the Space- X-plore program with Global Learning Expeditions. This international camp was run successfully in 2023 and is once again being offered to interested students.
Highlights of the trip include the astronaut experience at the NASA Kennedy Space Centre in Orlando, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
For parents we have set up a unique trip page through YouLi (You Live to Travel) for our Waverley network school group via the link below. You are invited to register your details to be kept in the loop regarding an upcoming information session for the trip on Tuesday 29th November at 6pm at South Oakleigh Secondary college, in the Lecture Theatre. It will also be live streamed so families can log in remotely if they can’t attend in person, details for which will be provided through this link.
Please note registration here and attendance at the information session do not commit you to attending the camp or any financial commitment. At this time, we are seeking interest to see if we have enough students to make the trip viable.
Please find attached a flyer for the program with more detail and costs, do not hesitate to contact myself directly if you have any questions.
Sonja Ardley
Associate Principal
Electronic device use at Brentwood Canteen
We would like to thank you for your continued support with the Personal Mobile Devices Policy. We have noticed students trying to utilise their phones as a payment method at the canteen and ask that families look to make other arrangements.
Mobile phones are not to be used at the canteen as they are not allowed to be in use between the school hours of 8.45am and 3.05pm.
Students can make payment via an EFTPOS card or cash.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Robyn Geshev
Business Manager
New Canteen Supplier
Please note that online orders are not yet available.