Message from 


School Nurse Janice


Last term Year 7 and Year 10 immunisations occurred at school. If any student missed having their Immunisations and would like a catch- up immunisation with the Wedderburn College School Doctor please contact the office and a consent form will be sent home. Once that is returned an appointment will be arranged.


Homelessness Week 2024

Youth Homelessness is a challenging and growing problem in Victoria and real time data 

is hard to capture because Youth Homelessness is often invisible.


Yesterday some of our students had the opportunity to learn about homelessness Molly and Mat from NDCH and make some paper houses that will be part of the ‘Houses at Parliament’ display of  6,000 paper houses at Parliament House to highlight the urgent need for Governments to fix the housing crisis and end homelessness.

Our students also worked together with artist Tobie Cameron to create one of 7 eye catching painted cubby houses that will be on display to highlight the Homelessness problem.


Janice Deocampo

School Nurse