Parents Committee News

Parent Fundraising & Social Committee News
Thank you to our Pie Drive families who are now enjoying a delicious lunch or dinner.
Thanks to Sooty for helping pack the orders. And to Kate and Tess for your help distributing them at pick up.
Our school committee relies on our community to support our fundraising initiatives. $681 was raised from the pie drive. This money will benefit all our children when it is spent assisting the school resources.
If you have any ideas for events, please let us know. Meetings are now held via Zoom to enable more people to attend from anywhere. Links gets emailed out from the office prior to the day of meeting.
Everyone is welcome. As families graduate and leave our school, we need the new parents to carry on our fabulous events.
The Trivia night- where do we start?
What a great night it was for our School Community. The Parent’s Committee can’t thank Ed and Kathryn (Tom and Anthony’s parents) for taking the time to host the event! The questions and activities kept us all on our toes! A total of $4,722 was raised through the ticket sales, silent auction and games.
Thank you to everyone who donated gifts to the Silent Auction (some businesses details below) and to the lucky winners.
Special thanks to all the volunteers who made the night a success, and for those who came along. These fundraising efforts help make for some great experiences for the students. We are currently working towards the purchase of equipment for the iSTEM Program, as well as working towards a longer term goal of enhanced play equipment in the playgrounds.
Next Committee Meeting: Wednesday 11th September @ 6pm online, all welcome. A Google Meet invite will be sent out closer to the date.
Meeting Minutes: