From the Office

Smile Squad is coming to Kilsyth Primary School 



The Smile Squad team from EACH are coming to our school from 4th September 2024.

Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.

This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.


How to access free dental care

We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.

Sign up to Smile Squad at: 

OR use the below QR code:






Please complete and submit the consent form, this will be sent directly to EACH.

Paper copies of the consent form are available. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one.

The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages.


Smile Squad dental packs 

All children deserve a healthy smile, and the Smile Squad free school dental program is working hard to help make sure this happens. 

Your child(ren) will soon receive a free dental pack to bring home. The dental pack contains a toothbrush, full sized toothpaste, and an oral health brochure. 

Please take the time to read the brochure. It’s full of helpful hints and tips to help your whole family eat well, drink well and clean well – for life.


Smile Squad provides standard strength fluoride toothpaste that is generally used by ages six and over, unless recommended by a dental or trained health professional.

If your child is under six, please talk to a dental or trained health professional to find out if your child might benefit from using this toothpaste. You can also choose to put the toothpaste away until they turn six or give it to someone else in your family to use.


Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?

No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.

EACH Smile Squad look forward to seeing you soon.



Please let me know if you require any further information. 

You can reach our Smile Squad Admin Team at EACH by calling (03) 9757 6209 or by sending an email





Book Fair


Thank you to everyone who supported our Book Fair, the funds raised will go to lots of new books for our library.


I would also like to congratulate our 10 prize winners for 2024


1st - $60.00 of books went to a new family to our school The Yong Family

2nd - $30.00 of books went to Rueben - FOU

3rd - $20.00 of book fair products – Ellie - MDB

4th  - Pick of posters or goodies table –    Ace – SRA

5th  -       “                  “                                         Spencer – MDB

6th –        “                  “                                         Will - SRB

7th –        “                 “                                          Abi - SRB

8th –        “                 “                                          Maddison - JRA

9th –        “                 “                                           Hez - MDA

10th  -    “                  “                                            Arah - JRA


Also big THANKYOU to our parent volunteers Faye, Tracey & Amy and Rhonda & Olivia who ran the fair.  All your efforts are much appreciated.


Janine Batten – Office Administration



Office Hours


Monday- Friday:  8.30am -4.00pm


Feel free to drop past the office at any time during these hours. We are always ready to help - answering your question, supporting you to use our Sentral App, taking a payment, clarifying a concern or connecting you with the right member of staff.  Janine, Rhonda and Olivia are ready to greet you with a smile and help you out in what ever way they can.  We look forward to you dropping by.


Please Note: our Business Manager, Maddy Meyland, works Tuesday - Thursday.  Some tasks may require Maddy's expertise and may need to be completed on these days.  


School Uniform 


Our school uniform is ordered online.  Click the button below to access the price list and then visit the website  to place your order.















MY UNIFORMS – 133 Bakers Rd Noth Coburg

SHOP HOURS:  Monday -Thursday 9am - 5 pm

     Fridays 9am - 3pm

       PHONE: 9354 8345



                                * A small range of hats available from school office





Direct Deposit details:


Payments can be made via internet banking directly into the schools Bank account.


Acc Name:  Kilsyth Primary School 

             BSB: 033 222

             Account Number: 019189

             Reference: (Family Surname)


Please also send an email to the school  notifying us that you have made the payment, and to which program/event it should be allocated. The email confirms your payment and states:



Child’s name, 

Amount paid

What the payment is for eg: Level 3 camp




Lunch orders are available on a Friday.  They are provided through Subway in Montrose, with orders taken on a Thursday.  To order, collect a slip from the office, or download and print a copy at home, and then bring the correct money in an envelope with the slip included to school on Thursday.  The lunch will then be delivered to your child on the Friday.


Order Form


Please note that if you have ordered Subway and your child is absent on Friday, please organise to come and collect it from the office at 12.30pm. Unfortunately we are unable to cancel your order.


Please hand orders into the classroom teacher  9am Thursdays for Fridays lunch.


                           $1.00 from each order goes to the school fundraising team.