From Amy
Our School Council President
From Amy
Our School Council President
Just a quick update from our school council meeting on Thursday 14th August.
Our Foundation enrolments are looking great for next year, but if you know anyone who is yet to enrol for 2025, spread the word about KPS.
We are excited to announce we will be trialling a new lunch order supplier in addition to Subway on a Wednesday. We taste tested some of the menu items and the home-made chicken fillet nuggets were delicious (just saying). Keep an eye out for further updates as to when this will be starting.
We have applied for a government grant to upgrade the bathroom facilities in the hall and main building. Hopefully we will here back shortly as to whether we have been successful.
We are also excited to learn that Kilsyth Primary School will be partnering with Elizabeth Bridge House and Japara House, involving activities with students and hopefully our wider school community. See the previous page of this newsletter for details!
Kilsyth Primary School has been invited again to hold a Sausage Sizzle at the Kilsyth Festival in November. The sausage sizzle is run by parent/carer volunteers. So please think about putting your name on the roster when this roster is released.
We are also holding a Bunnings BBQ Sausage Sizzle on Sunday 15th of September. The roster is yet to come out for this but please again consider putting your name on the roster as many hands make light work.
We will be holding another parent engagement get together soon. Thank you to those parents and carers who attended earlier in the year and are on the email list. Your help with fundraising, volunteering and helping organize activities is greatly appreciated.
Thank you too those parents and carers who have been using the volunteer sign up app called Signup. For the roster system to work well we ask that you do put your name down if you are intending on volunteering. We have quite a few opportunities coming up in Term 3 and 4 (inside and outside of school hours). You can find the sign up link on the Sentral App (opening page) under "Links" in the bottom right hand corner.
We aren’t using the volunteer app for gardening club. This runs Monday mornings after drop off and you are invited just to show up. It normally runs for and hour. Some of the tasks include mulching, weeding, planting and planning. It’s a great opportunity to meet new parents, enjoy the fresh air and garden!! Especially now it appears Spring is on the way.
If you have any queries or suggestions you would like raised at school council you can contact any of the parent members listed below or send an email to and your item can be added to the general business section for discussion.
These are the remaining dates we are meeting for the year:
That’s it for this months meeting, thanks for reading,
Amy Davis
KPS School Council President