From  Our Students

Guest Reporters: The Connections Team

This month's student report was written by our Connections @KPS team.


Mr Gooding has written a description of the Connections@KPS program in his section of the newsletter.  You can read more about us there.  Basically, there are a group of us who work together on a Wednesday to focus on connecting to our school, our community, each other and ourselves.  It has only been going for two weeks, but it has been pretty good so far!


Our team involves:


Seth, Hez, Ethan M, Layla, Emily K, Kaylah, Taylor, Ayden, Hayden, Thomas, Ruby S, Axl and Sierra. Mr Lyon and Lou are our team leaders.


Here are some of the things our team has to say:


Seth - Every Wednesday we work as a team and we went to the kinder kids.  We did mulching as team and we worked so hard we earned milkshakes at the end of it!


The following was written by student Axl Branden as a connections activity: Recently at Kilsyth Primary we have started a group called "Connections @ Kilsyth". On Wednesday we did som mulch spreading, leaf blowing, branch cutting and even went to Elizabeth Bridge House.  And we even got some milkshakes!


Ruby - Today we picked up rubbish and shovelled tan bark and we got a milkshake after.


Taylor - Every Wednesday we work as a team and we did 30 barrows of mulching and picked up over 700 pieces of rubbish around the school.  All of this earned us a milk shake, I got a chocolate one!!


Ayden - On Wednesday me and the Kilsyth Connections Group did lots of mulching and picked up over 700 pieces of rubbish.  We played with Kindy kids and went to garden and got a plant.  


Sierra - After all the hard work in the morning Mr Gooding went and got us all milkshakes and they were delish!!!


Ethan M - Today we did mulching, all of us worked together as a team.  We also went to Japara house and we all got a plant. In the morning we picked up over 700 pieces of rubbish/litter/. In the afternoon we changed wheels on the wheelbarrows and made pictures for the piano.  We also went to the Little Penguins Early Learning Centre.


Kaylah - On Wednesday we did mulching and we went to little penguin and we went to Elizabeth Bridge and we also got milkshakes.  We got to make our plants.  We also picked up rubbish and earned points.  I was in Team C.  It was so much fun and we cleaned up the area.  Also, we got an icy-pole at the end of the day.

Thank you so much for all your hard work Connections Team!  It has been great watching you come together as a team, working toward goals and encouraging each other.  The connections you are making with our school, our community and each other are wonderful.  The community groups and kindergarten we are working with have been very impressed with your respect and teamwork.  Keep up the great work!