Grade 6 News

Message from the Principal

Dear Pegasus Family,


I want to thank you for your support and messages of thanks in what has been a difficult week for us all. Our staff and students did an amazing job on Wednesday with keeping students  safe and then yesterday with supporting them. I want to thank you for your flexibility and calmness in collecting students on Wednesday as we tried to avoid the emergency services that were in Bellfield Drive.  At all times our actions were taken to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the community. I recognise that the delay in communication caused anxiety for families, as you can imagine there were many things for us to manage that afternoon with our number 1 priority being to ensure we had supports in place for students and staff.

Once again I thank you for support and best wishes.




Adam Wight



Our newsletter is brought to you by the Grade 6 Public Relations leaders: Bella, Jack, and Charlie.

Important Reminders

  • Government high school acceptance forms are now overdue. Please return them as soon as possible.
  • Thank you for getting the sports uniforms washed and returned. The process will continue across multiple events in Term 3.

Learning in Action


by Charlotte

Hola! This week we've been still working on our poetry unit. Once upon a time 81 year six students had to write their own anthology. This week we've been working on narrative poems, hence the “Once upon a time” remark. Anyway, this is the first poem we've had to properly plan through a certain process, which included using our Writer's Notebook to brainstorm. Teachers have been encouraging us to use things like hyperboles, metaphors and personification.


Preview for Learning: Students are finalising their work on poetry over the next week. We will then transition into an informative unit. This unit will explore author perspectives and how authors can misrepresent groups in the way they portray “information”.



More work continues on fractions and the students have been working on their goals to improve their understanding at their point of need. Some key concepts we have delved into more include equivalent fractions, related and unrelated denominators, and improper fractions. Students have also continued to work on their angles investigation. This task requires students to draw an image using straight lines and identify the angles (and angle types) in their image.


Preview for Learning: Over the next week or two, we will be wrapping up the units on fractions and angles. The focus will shift to decimals and mapping.



The work with Australian history from 1900 to today has continued in each class. We have explored topics like World War 1 & 2, the Aboriginal Protection Act and The Great Depression. Students have watched many videos and heard about life in those important periods that shaped our nation.


We will soon transition into work that will further support our trip to Canberra, including a deeper understanding of parliament, living in a democracy and having a voice.



Recently, a small group of students commenced a program with Knox Youth Services. This program will continue once a week across Term 3, and is connected to the Social Stencil program conducted at Lysterfield Primary School. Social Stencil is an evidence-based program for schools that offers young people practical social and communication skills to build peer relationship skills and a culture of respect, understanding, care and collaboration. It helps young people to develop a shared language and shared concepts to support their friendships, manage conflict, and gain understanding of themselves and others. The program uses peer-to-peer learning, group work, games and supported discussions about our collective strengths and differences.


Calm Kids

The Calm Kids program has begun for interested students in preparation for the upcoming camp. Students are working with Kim through a structured program exploring their concerns and developing a bank of strategies.



Netball by Evie 

When we first arrived, we knew it was going to be a challenge. We played 7 games overall. We didn't play finals, it just depended on who won the most games. Everyone had a blast. Our team won all of our games, so we are off to the Regional Finals. 

Knox Division Premiers
Knox Division Premiers


Footy by Jack, Jimmy & Fletcher 

On Thursday 1st August, some of the Senior School boys went off to Division Footy. We ended up winning our first game against Holy Trinity by 14 points. After our first win of the day, we had a crucial loss to Mountain Gate by a staggering 5 points. Then we had a break to eat some food and refuel our bodies. We then played Knox Gardens. We knew we had to win for a chance for finals. We came out on top in the end with a 20-point win. We were in the finals. As they finished first in their pool, we were now playing Park Ridge PS to proceed to the Grand Final. We had the ball on our terms the whole game. It was such a solid win! We were off to a Grand Final against St Simons. Both teams kicked a goal before the first half ended, so it was tight. We made a few small changes for the second half and the game was now looking good. We ended up winning the Grand Final by a couple of goals. Thank you to everyone who came along to cheer us on and support the team with some jobs. Division Champs!

Knox Division Premiers
Knox Division Premiers

Canberra Camp

Our 5-day trip to Canberra is just around the corner. No doubt there will be some last-minute questions and things to clarify, so to make life easier, we will send out some reminder details in the week prior. In the meantime, don't forget to look at the Compass event for up-to-date information (including the updated packing list), or speak with a teacher to clarify anything specific. As always, please make sure all medication taken to camp is in the original packaging and a current Medical Authority Form is completed (found on Compass).



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