Grade 2 News

Message from the Principal
Dear Pegasus Family,
I want to thank you for your support and messages of thanks in what has been a difficult week for us all. Our staff and students did an amazing job on Wednesday with keeping students safe and then yesterday with supporting them. I want to thank you for your flexibility and calmness in collecting students on Wednesday as we tried to avoid the emergency services that were in Bellfield Drive. At all times our actions were taken to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the community. I recognise that the delay in communication caused anxiety for families, as you can imagine there were many things for us to manage that afternoon with our number 1 priority being to ensure we had supports in place for students and staff.
Once again I thank you for support and best wishes.
Adam Wight
Important reminders
Science Week
Parents are invited into our classrooms on Tuesday the 13th of August to celebrate Science Week.
Wednesday 21st August: Book Week Dress up day
Thursday 22nd August: Fathers Day Stall
Friday 13th September: School Disco
Monday 16th September: Celebration Morning
Each Tuesday in weeks 6-10: Swimming Program
Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term (2.30 dismissal)
Learning in action
Last week we explored what a free verse poem is and identified any interesting language that we could see. We looked at how authors used adjectives and alliteration to make the poem engaging to read. Students listened to a poem, drew what they visualised and identify how it made them feel.
This week students worked in groups to describe an experience using bubbles. Students had to write down what they saw, felt, heard and smelt. This lesson followed into our first writing session. As a whole class we looked at a variety of poems that used figurative language and identified what it means and how it is used.
Students will learn about rhyming couplets in poems. All students will select one of their poems to present to the class.
Last week students edited and published their diamante poem to add to their anthology. We introduced what a possessive pronoun was and as a whole class identified these within sentences.
This week students planned, drafted, edited and published their free verse poem. Students created this poem based off an experience using bubbles where they had to use 4 of their 5 senses to describe the bubbles. Students revised what a possessive pronoun is and had to select the correct pronoun that fit in the sentence.
Students will publish their rhyming couplet poem and learn about conjunctions.
To conclude our multiplication unit students consolidated what they learnt by playing land grab with a partner.
This week we started our division unit which will run for the next few weeks. As a whole class, students learnt and practised sharing counters into equal groups and identifying if there are any remainders. In our time unit, students are learning to tell time to the quarter and using the language 'quarter to' and 'quarter past'.
Students will continue to learn and apply division strategies to worded problems. We will be commencing our chance unit.
Students learnt about the Industrial Revolution and how transport, toys and communication was used during this period.
Our focus has been on help seeking and identifying scenarios where it's best to get adult help and who else they can get help from.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers