Prep News

Message from the Principal
Dear Pegasus Family,
I want to thank you for your support and messages of thanks in what has been a difficult week for us all. Our staff and students did an amazing job on Wednesday with keeping students safe and then yesterday with supporting them. I want to thank you for your flexibility and calmness in collecting students on Wednesday as we tried to avoid the emergency services that were in Bellfield Drive. At all times our actions were taken to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the community. I recognise that the delay in communication caused anxiety for families, as you can imagine there were many things for us to manage that afternoon with our number 1 priority being to ensure we had supports in place for students and staff.
Once again I thank you for support and best wishes.
Adam Wight
Important Reminders!
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Readers are swapped on Mondays- Please make sure your child brings their old reader and 'Take Home' bag every Monday. Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily.
- Library books DUE on a TUESDAY.
- Mathseeds - In your child’s school tools book, you will find a card stuck on the inside of the front cover with a student login and password.
- School Nursing Program- 12th August- Please complete online forms.
Learning in Action
This fortnight students have continued listening to poetry. They read a monster poem with a focus on identifying the meaning of interesting words such as jiggly, fuzzy and friendly. Students then used the words to help them visualise what the monster would look like in their mind to help them understand. Students also read a poem about popcorn, focusing on the rhythm and beat. Students were ecstatic to make popcorn in the microwave where they got to write their own poem, describing how it smells, tastes, feels, looks and sounds.
In Writing, students worked on expanding their sentences by adding an adverbial where and adverbial when. For example, The girl is playing on the playground at lunchtime. Students enjoyed co-constructing a class poem about a chosen food and then independently drew a picture and wrote a sentence about the food. In Word Work, students practised writing words with ‘s’ blends, ‘st’, ‘sp’, ‘sn’ and ‘sm’. There was a focus on stretching out all the sounds and identifying the blends.
Preview - Students will read poetry with a focus on forming an opinion about it and retelling the events. They will write acrostic poems and learn ‘r’ blends.
In Maths we have started our new whole number unit, where students have been learning about teen numbers. Students have learnt that a teen number has one group of ten and some more. Students have learnt how to make and represent a teen number using unifix and tens frames, read and write teen numbers. Students have a whole number goal they are working towards including make and represent, reading and writing, counting forwards and backwards, comparing and ordering and identifying parts within a number.
We have started a new unit on Time, focusing on the days of the week. Students have learnt to put the days of the week in the correct order, and discuss events that happen on particular days at school e.g. On Thursdays we go to STEM and on what days the canteen is open. Also students have discussed events that happen in their personal lives, e.g. swimming, basketball training.
Preview- Next week students will continue working on their Whole Number goals and learning about Time. The next fortnight we will revisit our Addition unit.
We have been learning about timelines and how to record significant events in order. Alongside this, the Preps have been exploring the topic of celebrations. We started by discussing, "What kinds of things do we celebrate?" The students shared their ideas and memories, bringing a wide range of celebrations to our discussions.
The students then drew pictures of themselves celebrating their favourite occasions. We enjoyed sharing these drawings with our classmates. This activity helped them learn about different celebrations and appreciate the special moments in their lives.
Preview- We will be exploring our family's personal history.
Our prep students have been continuing their Friendology learning, focusing on how to navigate tricky situations. These skills are vital for their social development and help create a positive and inclusive environment for all students.
As a class we each discussed and explored:
- Sharing: Teaching children the value of sharing and understanding when it's appropriate.
- Taking Turns: Encouraging patience and the importance of waiting for their turn.
- Playing Fair: Promoting fairness and respect in playtime activities.
Preview- Students will explore what it means to be kind and strong.
100 Days of Prep
Our prep students recently celebrated 100 days of prep with a fun-filled day of activities. Students dressed up as their 100-year-old selves and celebrated being 100 days brighter. The day included a self-portrait activity where students envisioned themselves at 100 years old and a maths game called ‘Race to 100’.
A special thank you to our wonderful PS parents who provided a delicious array of food, making the celebration even more enjoyable.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this memorable milestone!
Student Awards
Zoe N
Hazel F
Meet the Teacher
Name: Miss Albanese
Things I like: Reading, sunshine, yummy food and watching TV.
In my spare time: I love spending time with my family and friends, going for walks, cooking and baking.
Favourite Colour: Pink
Pets: I don't have any pets! But I enjoy spending time with my friends, family and partners pets!
We would like to wish the following students a Happy Birthday:
Prep B
Zoe- August 17th
Prep R
Ethan- August 28th
Prep S
Sebastian- August 4th
Millie- August 17th
Class Timetables
Opportunities to help:
- In the upcoming weeks a notice will be sent on Compass in regard to excursion helpers. Thank you for all those who volunteer and your ongoing support.
- We are on the hunt for some donations for the Term 3 Curious Corner. If you have left over costume pieces from 100 Days of Prep you're welcome to donate them to the 'Retirement' section.
Danielle Sandeman, Amanda Remington and Jess Bouloukis
Prep Teachers