Student Learning

Our Foundation students have enjoyed starting their school swimming lessons. We have already seen lots of improvement in their skills and hope they keep practising over the summer holidays!
Year 1/2
Reading: This week, the students read another book from our author study, Hello Jimmy! The looked closely at the relationship between the two main characters. They also learnt how apostrophes are used, both to show possession and to replace letters in contractions.
Writing: Using our book Hello Jimmy! as a guide, the students wrote creative narratives about their own imaginary parrots. To bring their stories to life, they also enjoyed making these adorable parrots.
Math: We have begun revising our units on directions and shapes. The students had fun designing their own shape pictures and then wrote detailed instructions for someone else to recreate their picture.
Year 3/4
The Year 3/4 students have been enjoying their book clubs. Recently students were asked to write a book review, Emily wrote - the book was challenging because there were hard words. I really liked the adventure in this book!
Year 5/6
The Year 5/6 area has been very busy over the last few weeks. We have had Year 5 students writing and practising their speeches for student leader positions in 2025. Students have put a lot of work into these speeches and we wish them all the best! Year 5 students have also been helping out in our Pre-Prep Program in preparation for being buddies to our new prep students starting in 2025.
Our Year 6 students have had their graduation ceremony last Thursday and we would like to congratulate them all on their graduation from primary school! We would also like to congratulate the following award winners -