Principal's Update

Hi everyone, the last few weeks of the year are always busy, between school activities plus family commitments, we understand how busy everyone is. However, we do ask all families to remember that our school year does go through to 20th December and students are expected to attend until this date.
Last Friday, we had the official opening of the New Learning Hub building.
We were thrilled to welcome Jaclyn Symes, the attorney general of Victoria, to cut the ribbon and officially open our beautiful new building. Also in attendance were Trent McCrae (Senior Education Improvement Leader) and Duane Kelly (School Council President). I want to acknowledge the work that Duane Kelly put in through the building works period. Duane is always around when needed and goes above and beyond to make our school a better place! The building opening ceremony was a great opportunity to show off our wonderful school and put the finishing touches on a lengthy building process. I want to thank all of our staff for their flexibility in an ever-changing landscape throughout the building works period.
We’ve put a video of the ribbon cutting on Facebook for anyone that’s interested
Last Thursday 5th December we held our 2024 Graduation Ceremony for our Year 6 students. It was a wonderful night to share with our graduating students as they celebrated the end of their primary school years. For many students this was the first event they participated in as 'young adults' and we were very proud of the way they embraced the event and conducted themselves in a mature manner.
I would like to congratulate all graduating students and hope that as you move forward to secondary school you take with you the memories, friendships and lessons that you have learnt at Cobram Primary School.
Tips for the graduating group:
1. Work hard - talent only gets you so far. The most successful people have a strong work ethic and are stubborn and resilient. You need to work hard at things to excel – in sport, your passion, at school, at work.
2. Read (or listen) lots and widely to learn– the most successful people read lots to increase their knowledge. Find something you love and build your knowledge around it. You can never know enough. If you think you know it all, you don’t
- Read lots of non-fiction
- Read about finance, fields that interest you, fields where you might go into after school
- Building – if you want to be a builder – read widely about building
- Vet – read about animals and veterinary science
Hopefully we’ve embedded in our students that lifelong reading and learning is an important part of improving yourself.
3. Have fun! Have fun in whatever you do – Get out of bed, and go and do something. In a world where anxiety is becoming more prevalent, the best thing we can do is ‘do something’. Action creates motivation. The more we continue to do, the easier things become. Learn to fail over and over because that’s life!
Embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead with confidence, curiosity and courage! Your future is bright, and we believe in each of you. Well done graduates!
I would also like to offer my congratulations to each of our award winners.
Have a great end of Term!
Claye Runnalls