Prep News

Term 4, Week 10

What we've been up to in Prep


The Preps did such a great job at swimming last week. They should all be so proud of the resilience they showed. Mr Smith was very impressed with how the Preps were able to get ready so quickly. 

Upcoming Dates:

Monday 16th December- Junior Athletics - CANCELLED

Tuesday 17th December- Pool Day (Whole School Reward)

Friday 20th, December-End of term 4, early dismissal 1.15pm

Compass Permission

There is 1 Event that currently requires your permission and/or payment. Please provide this ASAP. 

  1. Prep- Grade 2 Whole School Reward Pool Party (Tuesday 17th December)

Reading books and Library books

We would very much appreciate if you could please have a look around at home for any LLLL books or Library books that may have escaped their reading satchel and found their way onto your bookshelf or under the couch! We will be starting to sort them out from Monday so need them back ASAP. Each classroom has a 'set' of books in each series and we need to make sure that no books are missing from the sets. 


On Friday the 13th, we will be emptying reading satchels. This means that your child will have received their last 'new' books for the year, this week. Please continue to practise any games you have been sent home once books have been removed. You can also write sentences for your child to practise reading or they can write their own!


Upcoming Learning

Week 11 and 12

In the last 2 weeks of the year, in Literacy, we will be revising all sounds and heart words that we have learnt so far this term. In Mathematics, we will be revising all of the concepts we have learnt. 

A year in review

Can you believe that our little Preps are now big Preps who are ready for Grade 1? We are so proud of what each and every Prep has achieved this year and can't wait to see what they get up to in Grade 1!