Specialists News
Sport/Phys Ed News
Junior School Athletics - CANCELLED
Unfortunately, due to the forecast of extreme heat on Monday (43 degrees), we have decided in the best interest of the children's welfare to cancel the Junior School Athletics. Although the temperature may be below this expected level at the time of competing, we believe the cumulative effect of vigorous physical activity and extreme heat later in the day will be too much for our youngest students in what is already going to be a big last week for them.
Swimming Program
Our Swimming Program concluded last Friday with all of the students enjoying some fun water games and races at the end of their session. It has been great to see the students learn so much about stoke technique and water safety in such a short period of time. All students will receive a certificate before the end of the term. I would like to thank the staff at the Peter Krenz Centre for the outstanding quality of their instruction and caring nature with the children. I would also like to thank the SGPS staff and parents who assisted in making this such a smooth running program.
We have been able to secure the same venue at the end of Term 4 in 2025.
Auslan News
Grade Preps are working on their final topic for this year, learning new signs for Clothing, including: clothes, t-shirt, shirt (collared), shorts, pants/jeans, skirt, dress, scarf, gloves, jumper, coat, rain-coat, socks, shoes, and school uniform. Students are enjoying playing a dress-up game and signing clothing items as they hang them on a mini clothesline! Grade Preps have been making collages of people to sign what clothing they’re wearing for the class to interpret.
Grade 1-2s have continued to practise signs for Family Members, including: Mum, Dad, Me, Brother, Sister, Baby, Aunty, Uncle, Cousins, Grandmother and Grandfather, and now also Step-Mum, Step-Sister etc. Students have been enjoying playing a couple of rounds of Family Member Celebrity Heads, before completing pages in their mini books about My Family, using their family members in simple sentences to sign. Grade 1-2s will be bringing their My Family mini books home to sign with you!
Grade 3-4s have finished signing their Occupations PowerPoints over the last 2 weeks. The 3-4 students have now started their final topic for the year on Giving Directions. They have been learning to give directions using signs such as: left, right, up, down, stop, go, forward, backward, through, wait, walk, run, fast, slow, and turn around. The Grade 3-4s have practised these signs by directing a partner safely around an outside shared space. They have also designed their own grid map to direct a friend around using Auslan directional signs.
Here are some pictures from the Grade 3-4 Auslan Classrooms of students signing their Occupations PowerPoints and practising their new topic of Giving Directions:
Grade 5-6s have started their final topic for this year in Auslan, learning about Storytelling. They are putting their knowledge of HOLM+NMF into practise and testing their skills using Depicting signs to have a go at some Storytelling in Auslan!! They are using simple storybook texts to sign the story in Auslan. 😊
Have a lovely break over the holidays! I am looking forward to some new adventures in 2025 with our signing in the Auslan classroom!!
Mrs Riordan.