Engagement & Wellbeing
Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships:
What a wonderful year SGPS has had, talking and learning about our School Values during our Respectful Relationships lessons. SGPS is a lead school in RRRR, which we are very proud of and look forward to a wonderful year in 2025.
Between the 25th November and the 10th December was '16 days of activism against gender based violence', which raises awareness about gender based violence. As part of this community event, The City of Greater Bendigo came to visit 1/2 Murphy to make kites, showing and discussing what Respect looks like at school and amongst friends.
SWPBS Whole School Reward - Pool Party
Two weeks ago we announced that all students have reached Level 2 of our Gugu Puzzle. This means they have earnt a Pool Party.
Each cohort will attend the pool at different days/times. These are as follows:
Preps: 17/12 – Tuesday 9:30 – 12:00pm (Gurri Wanyarra)
1/2s: 13/12 – Friday 9:30 – 12:00pm (Faith Leech)
3/4s: 12/12 – Thursday 12:00 – 2:30pm (Faith Leech)
5/6s: 13/12 – Friday 12:00 – 2:30pm (Faith Leech)
You will find more information about this event for you students year level on Compass. Please also remember to provide consent and payment through Compass
Grades 3 - 4 Pool Party