What we've been up to

Christmas Concert and Awards Night
Our annual Christmas Concert and Awards night was held last night Wednesday 4th December. It was an amazing night filled with lots of fun and laughter. We had many families join in the performances and sausage sizzle. The joy on the students faces as they received their awards and performed their songs was priceless and a great night was had by everyone. Thankyou to our P&C for organising and cooking the sausage sizzle.
Culminating Events
Last Tuesday 26th November we held our whole school culminating events. All classes and PLT's showed all the amazing work our students have created and produced throughout the semester. We had a lot of parents come along and join the students and staff in a fun event.
PBL Whole School Celebration
Last Tuesday after the culminating events we held our whole school PBL celebration which involved lots and lots of water. The students decided they would like to have a water play day and no staff member or parent was left dry. Everyone had a fabulously wet time with many new student friendships forged.