Performing Arts and Languages News
Mr Michael Power, Learning Leader of Performing Arts and Languages
Performing Arts and Languages News
Mr Michael Power, Learning Leader of Performing Arts and Languages
Welcome to our Performing Arts and Languages team
In 2025, we welcome both new and returning teachers to the expanding Performing Arts and Languages program at St Mary’s College.
In Music, Mrs Mary Heferen-Faulkner, Miss Felicity Lovett, Mrs Bronwen Kemmis and instrumental teacher Miss Melanie Wilkinson join Mr Scott Weston and me in classroom music and instrumental programs.
We are also excited to welcome Ms Sally Lewry and Miss Annabelle Docherty, who will join Ms Irene Knauseder in Drama, as well as Prof. Paola Keller, who continues to lead the Italian Language program in the Senior School. In addition, we congratulate and welcome our Arts and Culture Prefect, Lucy McKenna, in her new role.
Music intervention activities in the Junior School
Year 6 Daily PE leaders have included music activities in their planning for daily PE. These activities include stepping the beat, clapping rhythms, improvising body percussion, singing simple melodies and nursery rhymes.
Research has shown that doing these activities every day will help with literacy and language development. This is because the neural pathways in our brain for literacy and music overlap. What a fun way to improve our literacy, balance, coordination and cognitive skills!
So, who is the better species of musician... the singer, or the drummer? Australian author, researcher and neuromusicologist, Dr Anita Collins, reveals all in this short video, linked below.
Instrumental lessons and ensembles for everyone
Enrol your child in one-to-one instrumental lessons at St Mary’s College with our expert instrumental music teachers! Lessons take place during the school day in the Music Studios and are available to all Junior and Senior School students. Online Enrolment forms can be accessed on the Instrumental Music page via the Parents and Families Connect login.
We also have a range of inclusive and specialist music ensembles, ensuring that there is a group for every child. These ensembles rehearse during school time and perform throughout the year. Please get in touch if your child is interested in joining an ensemble; we know fully the cognitive benefits of sharing in music together and so we will help match your child to the right ensemble.
Ensembles resume for the year in Weeks 3 and 4.
For more information, please visit the Instrumental Music Page, or contact Mr Scott Weston, Coordinator of Music (K-12).
Strike the right chord | Apply for our Harp Fellowship
Looking to expand your child’s musical training? We are seeking expressions of interest from passionate young musicians for our special harp program. Apply for our Harp Fellowship for the opportunity to loan your very own harp and have access to expert weekly lessons with the Principal Harpist of the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra at the TSO Studio.
Whether you’re just starting your musical journey or have experience, we encourage students in Years 5 and above to apply and take harp playing to the next level!
To apply, simply complete the expression of interest form via the Instrumental Music Connect page.
From the Derwent to the Dolomites | Teaching in Trentino
During the December holidays, I was very fortunate to travel to the towns of Riva Del Garda and Rovereto in the Trentino region of northern Italy as part of a teacher exchange. During these six weeks, I visited the schools Liceo Andrea Maffei and Liceo Filzi, the St Mary’s College students amidst their student exchange, and the Italian teachers and students at the respective schools.
This was an incredible opportunity to witness a day in the life of these students on the opposite side of the world, to expand upon language and cultural learning, and to reconnect with Cristina and Giovanni, who joined us at St Mary’s College in 2024 as part of their three-month exchange.
My deepest gratitude to the Keller family for their kind hospitality, and to the Australian Italian Embassy for granting this support.
For information on exchange programs, or the 2026 Study Tour to Italy, please contact Prof Paola Keller.
Pictured above, Lake Garda (Lago di Garda), located in northern Italy; Mr Michael Power and Italian Exchange Student, Giovanni.