Take Note

Key information and upcoming events for our SMC community.

Photo day is coming

Brush your hair, polish your shoes and practice your best smile – school photos will be held next week. Please read the following information carefully so all students arrive prepared for their photos.

  • Junior School (Prep to Year 6) photo day: Thursday 27 February
  • Senior School photo day: Friday 28 February


  • Family/sibling photos will be taken in St Peter's Hall before school from 7.45am-8.40am on Thursday 27 February and Friday 28 February, and after school until 4.00pm on the Friday. Parents and carers must be present to supervise their children during these times. 
  • Year 12 group photos (Year 12 cohort, Prefects, Originals) take place on Thursday 27 February from 12.30pm–1.30pm. 
  • Kinder photos and catch-up photos will be held at the College on Wednesday 12 March.

Important information: 

  • Please ensure your child wears their full formal uniform on this day, including blazer.
  • If your child has PE on this day, please pack their PE uniform separately.
  • Please be reminded of our hair, jewellery and makeup guidelines which are available to view on the College website and in the diary.
  • To order your school photos, please visit The School Photographer website and use the St Mary's College access key: X3708PREM53M
  • Please note, at the end of the pack selection process, you will be presented with the option to add sibling groups to your order.
  • If you have any questions about the online ordering process, please contact The School Photographer on 1300 795 850. 

We look forward to seeing all our students looking their best and capturing these special moments!

Uniform Shop payment 

Please note that the Midford Sandy Bay Uniform Shop does not accept cash payments. EFTPOS faciliities are available onsite, and we encourage you to use card payments or online transactions for all purchases. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Convenient uniform delivery service

Did you know we offer parents and carers a convenient option to pick up their uniform orders directly from the College? 


Deliveries are made every Wednesday, provided Midford receives your order by 8.00am that day. Orders received after 8.00am will be delivered to school the following week. 


All deliveries are dropped at the Student Services office before the end of the school day, typically by late morning, though this timing may occasionally vary. 


Uniform items can be ordered online at  www.midford.com.au or instore at the Midford Sandy Bay Uniform Shop. 


Uniform Shop Trading Hours

Monday - Friday:8.00am - 4.30pm
Saturday:10.00am - 1.00pm

Contact Details

Phone:0455 336 214
Address:Corner of York and Regent Street, Sandy Bay

Adding Connect to your home screen 

Please scroll through the below guides for a quick reminder on how to add the Connect web app as a shortcut to the home screen of your phone or tablet.

After installing the Connect web app on your device, follow these steps to enable push notifications:

  1. Open the App now on your home screen. 
  2. Select the notifications bell on the top right.
  3. Click 'Install' when you see the message appear.
  4. You will then see the notification alert numbers appear on your app when an item is added for your attention. 

If you have any questions about Connect, please contact Mr Nick Lang (Junior School families) at nlang@smc.tas.edu.au or Ms Chelsea Mouritz (whole-College and Senior School enquiries) at cmouritz@smc.tas.edu.au.

milangkani returns for 2025

We are excited to announce the return of our milangkani program for 2025! Held weekly at the College, this program offers a variety of play-based educational activities designed to spark children's curiosity and support their development across all areas.


  • Facilitator: Meg Kitchen, Early Years Coordinator / Kinder Platypuses Class Teacher
  • Schedule: Mondays (term-time), 9.15am – 10.45am
  • Location: milangkani room (opposite Murphy's Café)

All families in the greater community with children aged from birth to five years are welcome to join us. We hope to see a few new faces at our next session on Monday 24 February.


Learn more and register on the College website