From the Deputy Principal

Mrs Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

I warmly welcome back our students and staff, especially those joining our College community for the first time this year. The beginning of the school year elicits countless emotions: excitement, anticipation, nerves and uncertainty. It is pleasing to note that students and staff enjoyed a settled start to the year.


In 2025, the Presentation touchstone of hospitality will underpin all that we do as a College community. On this note, I congratulate the Year 12 Prefects and Mentors for the way they have welcomed students during the past week, especially the Year 7 cohort. Nano Nagle, the foundress of the Presentation Sisters, was a woman of a welcoming heart who constantly looked for opportunities to show welcome and generosity.

Pictured above, chalk drawings and messages created by the Year 12 Prefects and Mentors warmly welcomed Year 7 students on their first day of school.  

College calendar

Term 1 is always a busy time. The Junior School has already enjoyed their Swimming Carnival, and this week we look forward to the Year 7 Pillars Experience and Senior School Athletics Carnival. Parents and carers are encouraged to keep an eye on the College calendar which can be accessed via Connect


As the term unfolds, students are encouraged to embrace every opportunity, both within and outside the classroom. This approach fosters personal growth and helps create a positive school culture where everyone feels connected and has a sense of belonging. Research shows that active participation in school activities and events positively impacts academic performance and social and emotional wellbeing.


In the recent edition of the Sunday Tasmanian, it was reported that 60 per cent of those aged 15 and over withdraw from playing sports – a concerning statistic indeed! Students are encouraged to consider the many cocurricular experiences offered at school so they can discover their passions and truly thrive.


Communication flowcharts 

The partnership between students, teachers and parents is crucial for cultivating motivated, engaged and responsible learners. The College's Communication Flowchart, inserted below, outlines who you need to contact for pastoral or learning matters. 

It is important to bring any pastoral or academic concerns to the attention of the Pastoral Care/Class Teacher or relevant subject teacher as soon as they become apparent. Please note that teachers will endeavour to respond to enquiries within two working days.


College diary

All Year 3 to 12 students will have now received a College diary. The student diary is a valuable tool for fostering an organised and disciplined approach to study and school commitments. It also outlines some of the College’s procedures and guidelines.

For parents and carers, the diary is a place to record communication with the College. Students, parents and carers are asked to sign the first page of the diary. Pastoral Care and Class Teachers will follow up on this in the coming week.


College uniform 

The way students present themselves in their uniforms is important as it reflects their pride in both themselves and the school. Please note the following expectations:


FORMAL UNIFORM: The uniform for students in Kindergarten to Year 2 is the College PE uniform. Year 3–12 students wear the full formal uniform to school. 

  • The blazer must be worn as part of the formal uniform to and from school, on formal occasions, in the Cathedral and for assemblies.
  • Skirts, tunics and dresses are to be just before or at the knee.
  • Brown school shoes are to be worn with the formal uniform, and shoes should be clean and polished regularly.
  • The blue bucket SMC hat must be worn when outside in the sun at lunchtime or during activities in Terms 1 and 4. Kindergarten students wear a red bucket hat.
  • Scarves must be bottle green, sky blue or chocolate brown.

SPORTS UNIFORM: The PE uniform is worn to school on PE days, if the student has a Sports Pass, or when otherwise advised by the College.

  • Shoes worn with the PE uniform must be sports shoes (no street shoes).
  • If a student does not have the full PE uniform, then the full formal uniform must be worn to and from school.
  • The half-zip sports jumper is part of the PE uniform and may be worn under the blazer to and from school.
  • The soft shell jacket is part of the PE uniform and may be worn over the blazer to and from school, weather permitting, with the College polo top. 

HAIR: Hair should be off the face and tied back if it grows below the shoulder. It should be a natural colour without fashion extremes.

  • Hair accessories include sky blue, chocolate brown or bottle green ribbons and hairbands. Fashion hair clips are not permitted.

JEWELLERY AND PIERCINGS: Students may wear two pairs of small plain metallic studs (max 5mm) or small plain metallic sleeper earrings worn parallel in the earlobes (no pearls, diamantes or gemstones). No other piercings are permitted.

  • Bracelets, bangles and necklaces are not permitted except for a gold or silver chain holding a cross which is not visible.

MAKEUP: Minimal makeup and natural nail or French nail polish are permitted. No makeup is to be worn by Junior School students.


HOODIES: Hoodies are not to be worn with the College uniform (formal and PE) unless advised by the College for specific events and times, e.g., rowing, musical and leavers' jumpers.

Please refer to our Uniform Policy for further information

We thank parents and carers for supporting our Uniform Policy. House Leaders, Year Level Coordinators, Directors and teaching staff monitor students regularly to ensure that uniforms are worn correctly each day. When students are not doing so, a uniform infringement will be issued, with multiple infringements resulting in a lunchtime and/or after-school reflection.


Learning improves when we minimise distractions. By getting the uniform right from the moment students walk out of the front door, they can focus on the core business of school: learning.


Mobile Phones, Devices and Wearable Technologies Policy 

Students are congratulated for adhering to the College’s procedures in relation to mobile phones, devices and wearable technologies. 

The Mobile Phones, Devices, and Wearable Technologies Policy is available to read online on the Catholic Education Tasmania website here.

As clearly communicated in the policy, the purpose is to manage student access to mobile phones, devices and wearable technologies during school hours and at school-endorsed activities.


When students breach the policy, consequences will apply, including confiscation of the mobile phone. Students will be required to hand in their mobile phones at the Senior School office at the start of the day (8.40am), where it will remain until collected at 3.15pm for a designated period determined by the relevant Director.


SchoolTV Special Report: The Wellbeing Barometer 2025

The Wellbeing Barometer survey is an invaluable tool for schools, providing critical insights into the mental health and wellbeing of young people. This annual survey identifies areas of concern, highlights resilience and adaptability in students and emphasises the importance of preventative strategies to promote positive outcomes.


Participation in this survey is strongly encouraged, as it offers a comprehensive view of students' experiences, challenges and achievements. By capturing a detailed understanding of young people's experiences, the survey supports a tailored approach to enhancing their mental, emotional and social wellbeing. It helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, as well as pinpointing opportunities for early intervention.


This survey is part of an ongoing longitudinal study, and we encourage you to take a few moments to complete the survey for each of your children. Responses remain anonymous and should be based on your observations over the past 12 months. By working together, we can reduce the long-term impact of mental illness and make a meaningful difference in the lives of our young people for a brighter future.


Please find the link to the Special Report and Wellbeing Barometer survey here: