Upcoming Events

On this page: Calendar / 2025 Term Dates / School Photo Day / Parent Information Nights

Whole of School Calendar 

The Emmaus Christian College Google Calendars are your go-to source for all the latest activities and events from ELC to Year 12.

To access the Google Calendar for each campus or school, select the links below:

2025 Term Dates

Term 1 Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April (11 Weeks) 

Term 2 Tuesday 29 April to Friday 4 July (10 weeks)

Term 3 Tuesday 22 July to Friday 26 September (10 weeks)

Term 4 Monday 13 October to Friday 5 December (8 weeks)

Student Free Days 2025

Term 2: Monday 28 April 

Term 3: Monday 21 July


See our website for public holidays and lesson times.

School Photo Days

Student School photos, coordinated through Advanced Life Photography, are a lovely memento of your child's schooling year. This photo will also be used in the class pages of our College Yearbook. 


South Plympton (F - 12)

  • Main Photo Day: Tuesday 4 February (Week 2, Term 1)
  • Sibling/Catch-up Day: Tuesday 11 March (Week 7, Term 1)

Brooklyn Park (F - 6)

  • Main Photo Day: Thursday 27 March (Week 9, Term 1)
  • Sibling/Catch-up Day: Wednesday 2 April (Week 10, Term 1)




Student photos and packages may be purchased online through the Advanced Life secure website  


Envelope Orders

If you'd prefer to place your order manually, please use the Advanced Life Envelope order forms. Students were sent home with the ordering form envelopes this week. Once completed, they may be returned to the Advanced Life photographers on the day, or to Student Services, prior to the photo day.


Do you have any questions?

Please feel free to contact Advanced Life’s Parent Customer Service Team at: https://www.advancedlife.com.au/contact 

Parent Information Nights

Brooklyn Park (ELC - Year 6) -  Meet the Teacher Evening

Thursday 30 January, 5:30pm and 6:30pm


We look forward to welcoming the parents of all our ELC to Year 6 children into our classrooms. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet your child’s classroom teacher, hear important information about the upcoming year, and connect with the other parents in the class. 


Sessions available:             

Session 1: 5.30pm – 6.15pm (ELC session only)            

Session 2: 6.30pm – 7.15pm (ELC and F-6)          

Session 3: 7.20pm – 8.00pm (F-6 sessions only) 


South Plympton Junior School  -  Parent Information Evening

Wednesday 5 February 

Foundation – Year 2  Parents - 6.30pm – 7.15pm:  

Year 3 - 6 Parents - 7.15pm – 8pm


This evening is designed for you to get to know your child’s teacher and their expectations, as well as the other parents in your child’s class. At the end of each session, there will be an opportunity to chat with other parents in the class. 


Secondary School  -  Parent Information Evening 

Wednesday 19 February

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Emmaus Performing Arts Centre (EPAC)


This night will be a great opportunity to connect with your child’s Home Group teacher, meet other families within that class and also hear about year-level relevant information and supports in place for students.