School Calendar

Marathon Club - Every Friday from 8.15am

The fortnight ahead...

6th February - Smile Squad

 7th February - Assembly starts at 3.00pm

12th February - Getting to know you Interviews

13th February - Whole school Excursion LUME



Important dates and reminders

19th February - School Council AGM

10th March - Labour Day Public Holiday

12th March - Family Maths Evening

12-24th March - NAPLAN testing window

3rd April - School Photo day

2025 Term dates

Term 1 - 28th January - 4th April (school will finish at 2.30pm)

Term 2 - 22nd April - 4th July (school will finish at 2.30pm)

Term 3 - 21 July - 19th September (school will finish at 2.30pm)

Term 4 - 6th October - 19th December (school will finish at 1.30pm)


School Bell Times


8.57am - Music starts, time to enter the classroom and get prepared

9.00am - Bell goes and roll is marked Learning session 1 commences

11.30am - Outside play

12.10pm - Bell goes for Learning session 2 commences

2.00pm - Outside play

2.40pm - Bell goes for Learning session 3 commences

3.30pm - Dismissal